Am I the Only One Bothered by This?

Patent #6630507, assigned to the Department of Health and Human Services, awarded October 7th, 2003. "Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectors."

You can read about it at PatentStorm, and you can copy it, change the hxxp to http, and read about it (and it takes some reading, lol). I munged the address instead of putting it live because I'm "kind of" paranoid and with the server being in DC and all I didn't think it entirely wise to have their logs show a bunch of visits with the site referral link being THIS site. They know that we exist, but there's probably no need to repeatedly poke the bear with a stick without good reason, lol. Maybe I'm a little too paranoid. But when they really are out to get you...

Sure they did some research that we wouldn't do - I will never find myself injecting a bunch of rats, killing them, heating their brains, drying their brains, slicing up their brains, and soaking their brains in a cow solution, for example - but I don't think it was right to award them a patent. I might (actually... would) award a patent for some new and never used before process for extracting certain compounds from cannabis, for example, but it's WRONG to award a patent for the actual ingredients of cannabis.

There have already been (many) patents awarded for varieties of food plants. This has hurt many people. Where other governments have made sure to include their peoples' varieties of plants in the world seedbank against need from a disaster or catastrophy, ours awards patents so that companies can decide whether or not you can grow, what you grow, and can force you to give up an heirloom strain that your family created and that has been grown by your family for generations (Google Monsanto).

Aside from that... It's really f*cking hypocritical that the government still takes the position that cannabis has NO medical value (it's designated a Schedule I narcotic) and yet seven years ago they got a patent for medical use! WtF? That's comparable to "removing" another country's dictator who was known to be reforming his country and doing a great many things to help his people, and replacing it with a hand-picked "democratic" ruler who immediately slaughtered many thousands of his citizens. Oh wait, they've done that too.
Hi TS I read this and a few other derivatives that come from Cannabis and their extracts, it seems science and Medicine have been working assiduously with Cannabis and Hashish over the past 50yrs trying and patenting extracts and canibinoids that are truly beneficial with epilepsy, dementia, stroke, and several major traumas a human endures in life. While I am happy there are Scientist looking into Medical applications for Cannabis and all it's derivatives I am strongly opposed to Big Brother taking away my heirloom strains and suing me after all the hard work of isolating phenos and growing the best MMJ I can. Yes indeed it bithers me the US Goverment issues patents for MMj but it seems it is the processes and extracts that are protected unless I read the wrong piece.
Great Story
No TS, you are not the only one bothered by it. And you have hit upon the very thing in that patent that is so damning: that in it, government researchers (and the patent assignee, the USDHHS) acknowledge the medicinal properties embodied by cannabinoids, not only as a treatment for, but for prevention of a wide variety of disorders and diseases.

In my book: that's medicine, and it's certainly being used currently for that purpose in the United States.

This factor alone makes the current Scheduling of cannabis under the CSA illegitimate.
Hmm... Lawsuit time? Use the govt.'s own stance (and evidence) against them.

Maybe couple it with a class-action civil suit. Everyone that has health problems mentioned in the patent (there may be other patents, I just stumbled across that one) hit them up with the cost of all the traditional meds that they've spent since '03.
Could this b the reason for the misinformation campaigns and vicous struggles in the WOD? Because the government has not finished all the patents they need to totally control all MJ commerce?
I don't know how to feel about this's not cool to brutally punish those that use the very substance patented here to acheive the relief they acknowledge here. There are plenty of people in non MMJ states suffering. What will it take to get America to wake up and run this country again instead of trusting the greedy political machine to do the right thing? Sara Palin, need I say more? When did we give the inmates the keys??? I am totally blown away.
Letting the Govt control this plant is/was(via, distribution,sale and supply) the worst thing that could have happened.. And, yes it will get worse...

I see most of the new initiatives being discussed and in some cases passed as a huge invasion on my rights.

Oakland has recently passed a city ord. stating that they will now only allow 4 mega growers to grow and sell Canna and Canna based products with city limits... Do you know how contrived this truly is?

Ca is currently looking to legalize marijuana for anyone over the age of 21... why? Why now?

You people are giving WAY too much of your power to the wrong people... I don't care that your an old hippy that has been involved in the fight for years.. you are selling out.....and you all know it!

My counties sheriff has already put forward a tax on future laws to allow the sale of marijuana.. the same sheriff that will right now bust you and try to put you away for as long as possible is only concerned about funding... nothing more.... once it turned into a revenue stream for Govts... and WE allowed this to happen... we will lose control of more and more of our liberties and freedoms..

Screw it, keep it illegal.

Mostly idiots get busted for pot now anyway, Mexicans growing in OUR National parks or driving with out seat belts at high rates of speed(easy targets) on our freeways, these are the ones that should be busted.. and they are daily!

The normal(?) grower/smoker is not being arrested for simple home use/possession.
I have a problem with government control, however, I also have a problem breaking the law.
Bad things are happening now, families are ripped apart, grudges are called into crime lines, people r shooting each other. I am not and never want to b a part of that, but, so many have no other choice. Who am I going to call as a med patient when someone breaks in and grabs my crop and possibly hurts a family member. No one is breaking into the wine cellar with guns....
I say hold out for better laws but never stop working for what is right
Do you really think the gov gives a shit about what right and whats legal !:rofl: They take what they want and they do what they want to whomever ! That won't change without a revolution and that ain't happenen !they have all the power !! far...
I have a post I have been working on that address this patent, with a request from people with medical knowledge to do some research on the information I have compiled that is very massive and needs "Sifted" through.

Keep a look out for it soon.
The question of government control is a thorny one, but let's face it, Killer, they are already in control. So, to me, it's really a matter of subversion. I frankly believe that the cannabis plant has its own agenda. I do believe the human race bottomed out around WWII (it was really bad). This, of course, coincided with the banning of this pretty miraculous plant. But nothing is forever, and I have a positive take on the future.

In my vision, cannabis will be legalized in California. There will be restrictions in place, and taxation, but let's face it, you personally will be doing whatever you are doing anyway, so it won't affect you one way or the other (I am assuming you have no intentions of paying tax, so why care if someone else does?).

Nevertheless, by mainstreaming the plant, folks will discover that the state did not fall into the ocean as a result, and when the revenue stream becomes apparent to other states, they will be falling over themselves to legalize it as well.

This will open the way to industrial hemp cultivation, and the opening up of numerous industries around it (bio-fuel, hemp clothing, erosion control, medicines, cosmetics, cannabis spas, building material, as well as recreational "coffee shops". . . the list goes on and on.

I know you (an many others) like the "outlaw" life. I truly understand that, and I'm sympathetic. But there is the rest of humanity that really could use the blessings of the cannabis plant, and legalizing it here is a giant step toward that goal.
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