Anybody here about this?


New Member
In Maryland some "Hall of Fame Teacher" was busted. The cops raided his house to find 20 plants and 2 pounds of bud. I just thought this was pretty funny because they were saying how much of a respected person he was in his town, and no one suspected anything. Man I wish he was my teacher.
it just goes to show ppl can sustain a normal productive life as a stoner, but ppl wont think that way that hear bout this theyll think they should of been able to recognize it and will focus more on the fact that they couldnt tell other than the facts that count
wouldn't it be funny if he/she was hall of fame for teaching the constitution and the declaration of independance....

i hope if so that his students arttend court and find friend of court letters
about constitutional rights......

that could be a scream.....if leo folks took shortcuts and students
caught it when asking about the teacher.....
i pity the teacher getting a dui wouldn't do them out of a job and profession
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