aquarium style ph meter/monitors?

Kush Killer

New Member
has/does anyone use these? im curious since the probe is almost 99% of time submerged in the res, do they (if so how often) need to be calibrated? i like the idea of jsut being able to look at a lcd screen to check my ph rather than pull a smple, test it, etc etc.. IF i dont nessecarily have to. on occasion there is times where my time is VERRRRRRY limited down to even 10mis or so twice a day to be in my grow.. onmost days i spend quite a bit of time in there. anyhow jsut looking of thoughts opinions etc.. there only about 40 bucks,, so i figured use it for a grow then replace it.. ( for jsut cause) but they dont come with cal. sol. so didnt know if i need to cal. it or not?
I bought 2 cheap ones, they crapped out after 2-3 months.
They oxidised up in the battery chamber.
Maybe if I would of taken the batteries out, they might of lasted longer.

Good Luck
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