Autoflower Transplant From Hydro To Soil


New Member
Ok so I have a cash crop 4.0 3ft grow box hydro that i have 3 autos in. I just got a 4x4 grow tent and im going to grow soil in here. Do you think it is ok to move them to soil?

Transplanting a photo plant can cause all kinds of stress, Auto's are on a time schedule and any stress or problem can set them back a lot. I personally would run them hydro this time, and plan on soil next grow, they are already flowering and you don't want to shock or stress them at this point and mess with your yield.
Transplanting a photo plant can cause all kinds of stress, Auto's are on a time schedule and any stress or problem can set them back a lot. I personally would run them hydro this time, and plan on soil next grow, they are already flowering and you don't want to shock or stress them at this point and mess with your yield.

OK. Thanks for the feedback.
because this is a small box and the plants need more room to grow. I am now thinking of gabbing my old fish tank air pump and put the whole hydro system in the grow tent
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