Better bud

lol okey look what you need to do is read alot, but here is some helpful tips if you want to use them.
Water when soil is dry 1 and half inch from the top.
For tasty bud, you need organic fert. it will give your bud a better taste and will have near to zero in burning your plant(when you over fertilize).
Chemical fert. is alright but you will get burn on your plant if you over fertilize.
Use any just make sure there is Peat Moss and Perlites in the soil. Moss gives nice water to Air ratio so NO root rot will happen, Perlites are to hold water or moisture.
Only lights that work with growing Weed is Floresent tubes, Compact Floresent Bulbs(CFL-spirl bulb), Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium.
Now Floresent and CFL are good lights but dont produce enough light so youll need alot of those bulbs and CFL are not cheap you need about 90 watts per sqaure foot. Now Metal Halide(MH) and High Pressure Sodium(HPS) are called HID lights. MH are the best for vegetive Stage this is when the plant grows, MH are the best cause they produce a Blue Spectrum. And HPS is good for Flowering Stage or Bud Stage because it produces Red Spectrum. This stage is when you can tell if its male or Famale plant, you want a female cause that produces bud the male should be killed ASAP after you find that out. Males have grape looking sacs and Females have white hairs. So MH and HPS are expensive but the best to use, the get really hot so you have to put the light about 18-20 inches away. go to Hydroponics Store - Online Hydro Supplies at HTGSupply cheap lights and find one that use both bulbs in one system cause it will save you money instead of buying 2 system of 2 diff bulbs. DONT USE MH OR HPS ON ANY SOCKET, USE A SYSTEM MADE FOR IT, OR BOOM.

Hope this helps.
What type of seeds are you using, if i were you use a good baggie seed for your first grow once you growth that good and get the hang of it, then go online and buy some seeds...some site are on here but i use its safe and discret package and you ll get it in 7-10 days in the US cause they came from UK.
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