

New Member
what other liqiud besides water can you put in your bong:bong: :bong:
:Rasta: :adore: :headbanger: :cool:
Looks at this thread ... Myself i just use ice cold water, maybe get some ice cold dasani lemon water ....
This is totally nuts but when I was 16 I was indestructible...

I had a party with a buncha crazy mo-fos who loaded up my glass bong with PGA... that's Pure Grain Alcohol, 200 proof 100% ethanol. It's a wonder we didn't blow the house up, or burn the place to the ground...

To be honest, I was so wasted I don't know if the PGA helped or not... seems like you could intake alcohol through the lungs, but you probably wouldn't get enough of it sucking vapors thru a bong.

Damn that was some crazy shit... good times

I've seen a video where a guy hits a bong full of beer, clears the bowl, chugs the beer, blows out the smoke. Seems a little grosss for me to try personally but hey whatever floats your boat
raidem2mg said:
what other liqiud besides water can you put in your bong:bong: :bong:
:Rasta: :adore: :headbanger: :cool:
Ovaltine........ or Nestles Quik, but if you tried them side by side you'd surely go with the Ovaltine........:cheesygrinsmiley: Use milk and refrigerate your bong or clean it every night.............:peace:
hrmm.. well i guess if he only did a couple hits and didnt ash it in the beer i guess it could be slightly ok, but still nasty.
lol i tried gatorade the other day and really i couldnt much tell the difference maybe because he already smoke with it and wasnt fresh? dunno but was nice when i took to fast of a rip on his bubler and got a sip lol
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