Can plant show sex on 18/6


New Member
This plant is one 18/6 and, it seems to be showing female hairs. At least I think. This is my first grow so I have absolutely 0 experience. My phone sucks so this the best I can upload until I borrow my friends camera but Iv been looking through threads on 420 and it seems to be 2 hairs coming out in a V. I thought they were just secondary leaves coming in like they were on other branches but today them seem to have come out more and dont seem to look like the other growth Iv been getting. BTW yes I know my plant isnt looking very good, I moved to a bigger pot a few days ago and am guessing it might be shock. Anyway let me know what you guys think as best as you can with these pics, and if its even possible to happen on 18/6.
Yeah, these pictures make it too hard to tell. Your camera is focusing on the background which is why the plant appears blurry. If you are using an auto-focus camera (like a cell phone) try blocking out the background with a dark piece of paper or even your hand held directly behind the area you want to photograph. This will prevent the camera from seeing what is farther away and will allow you to focus up close.
Yeah My baby showed she was a girl a few weeks ago , and she was only 3-4 weeks into growing at the time . think of it like this , if u see lil hair like things where the notches r on the main root going up then u know its a female, if it looks like these hairs r closing in together and kinda like a very tiny bud , they are males.

And by the look of the pictures u sent if u got good eyes u should be able to tell by now for sure .
Yep, sure as shit they are defiantly pistils now. I can clearly see they are since they've grown slightly and are also appearing on other nodes. Btw it still won't begin to flower till I switch to 12/12 correct?
I'm pretty sure they are not autos. They are seeds my friend got from his grower friend. But my other plant which is just as old but about 1/4 the size seems to have them come up today also. Seems odd since its only around 4 inches and just began its node with 5 fan leaves...
I still want them to be in veg for another 6-8 weeks so they get more size and since Iv got 3 more that just recently sprouted that I want to harvest around the same time. Since pistils are showing is there a chance they will begin to flower? I prefer they dont so I can keep all of them on the same schedule. Also about how much more size can I expect once I do switch them to flower?
as long as they are on 18/6 they wont flower.

once you flip, its strain dependent. some go 1.5x their size, some go 3x.
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