Cancer And Cannabinoids


New Member
Marijuana has no medical use if you believe the US government. This is a lie. However, that lie needs to be maintained to preserve the criminal status of the entire plant.

This policy dramatically burdens the health of the American people, particularly those with cancer. This blogpost is for them.

Judicially Noticed Fact about Cannabis #1: It is cancer medicine.

We are not claiming that marijuana cures cancer. But some are... Rick Simpson has a youtube that has received well over 700,000 views on youtube. He also maintains a website that promotes his "cure" from "hemp oil". This cure is profiled in the video below. Evidently, if you take good marijuana buds and reduce them down to extract their active ingredients the stuff kills cancer.

YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - Full Version

There's quite a bit to this claim. Studies touting the cancer killing properties of female marijuana buds are released on a fairly routine basis. Here's a quick run down of some of the science:

Marijuana kills lung cancer study from 2007

Huffington Post article by Paul Armento from 2008 with cites to various studies.

Here's a government website about how cannabis kills the type of brain tumor that killed Ted Kennedy

The US government paid Dr. Tashkin to find a link between marijuana smoking and cancer, but the largest human study found the opposite. Here's what the Washington Post reported.

It's fairly clear that marijuana is good medicine for certain cancers, but what about Bob?

Bob Marley died of cancer at 36. He lived with it for almost four years. His cancer came from an infection on his foot that became malignant melanoma.

Bob's Rastafarian faith prevented him from having the cancer surgically removed. It spread throughout his body and he died.

Bob is not like most people. They would have simply had the tumor removed. Even today we can't really compare his cancer with other cancer as the treatment -or lack thereof- Bob took is vastly different than what most people take.

This does not mean that cannabis is not an important part of a package of medical treatment to fight cancer. Far from it. Cancer means Chemo for most people, and marijuana is great medicine for that medicine. Piles of scientific evidence appear to put the benefits of cannabis for patients undergoing chemo beyond dispute.

People with cancer routinely tout the benefits they received from cannabis while undergoing their chemo regimin. It helps relieve the nausea of the tumor fighting drugs. It helps boost patients appetite so they can eat and keep up their strength during their fight. It helps the patients get pain relief. It helps the patient and does so at very little risk to their health. Especially with the medicated foods that are available in medical states.

We at MPIU believe that you can't argue with these facts. The courts should take judicial notice of the medical use cannabis plays in the treatment of cancer. This medical purpose undermines the rationality for the criminalization of marijuana. Now you know. Tell a friend.

NewsHawk: MedicalNeed: 420 MAGAZINE
Author: Hoam Rogh
Contact: Contact Us | ShadyHousePub.Com
Website:Judicial Notice Fact #1: Cannabis has a medical use for cancer patients | ShadyHousePub.Com
look toward some serious tests going on in Israel right now in regards to marijuana's possible cancer cures. "My people perish for lack of wisdom" says the bible. the poisons of chemo and radiation keeps killing us. it prolongs life by a few months or even years, but no quality of life. herbal remedies have been greatly undervalued and poorly researched by the establishment. thank God there are those who are dedicated to to research whether or not they get rich by doing it and whether or not they might be persecuted by the powers that be.
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