Cannabinoids are Essential for Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness

420 Warrior

Well-Known Member
Under the influence of America's revolutionary ideals, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, a group of writers, using the pen name "Publius", have released a new book. The Cannabis Papers: a citizen's guide to cannabinoids, details how cannabis (marijuana) and cannabinoids are fundamental to life.

Science provides evidence that cannabinoids modulate life; it is also true that cannabis (marijuana) makes cannabinoids. A new book, The Cannabis Papers: a citizen's guide to cannabinoids, unites these two facts. Under the influence of America's revolutionary ideals, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, one learns that cannabinoids:

-Regulate and safeguard pregnancy

-Grow and protect brain cells

-Heal and maintain all biological systems
and kill cancer cells

Scientific research has described cannabinoids as "nature's healthcare plan." The authors of The Cannabis Papers, using "Publius" as their penname, begin with the fact that all humans (even all mammals) use cannabinoids. This defines and highlights the genetic role of cannabinoids in human development (from conception to death).

According to the authors of this book, the medical marijuana movement has rightly promoted cannabis as a way to supplement one's cannabinoid system.

Not everyone is a patient though. Because cannabinoids are fundamental to life, The Cannabis Papers shows why we should protect and not prohibit a citizen's right to possess cannabis.

According to the authors, clearly, the right to preserve one's health is the right to self-defense.

The authors of this book, modeled on the ideals set forth in the Declaration of Independence, also call for change, Victory in the drug war is the repeal of Nixon's 1970 Controlled Substances Act. Like Nixon, you can't reform something corrupt - his law must go!


News Hawk - 420 Warrior 420 MAGAZINE
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Source: San Francisco Chronicle
Copyright: © 2012 Hearst Communications Inc.
I just checked this book out. It is available at for free (electronically) or $9.95 for hard copy. Its scientifically based rhetoric is beautifully persuasive. It signifies an excellent epistemologically-based strategy regarding the truthful depiction of cannabis and cannabinoids.

P.s. I purchased the hard copy so I can lend it out.
"The Cannabis Papers: a citizen's guide to cannabinoids, details how cannabis (marijuana) and cannabinoids are fundamental to life."

A bit too radically left for my political taste. Moreover, this bridging of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, with that of cannabis's medical benefits, seems rather non sequitor. Is this the writer's idea of a pharmacratic democracy? The operative word here is "fundamental", as in fudamental to life. Fundamental to whom? A most stilted political argument, if I may say so.

Under the influence of America's revolutionary ideals, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, one learns that cannabinoids:

-Regulate and safeguard pregnancy

-Grow and protect brain cells

-Heal and maintain all biological systems
and kill cancer cells

How so might revolutionary ideals have influenced this science? A rather sweeping statement and a great leap of logic. Science and those classic liberal idea(l)s which informed Jefferson's writing of the Declaration of Independence, are organically connected? That is one big rabbit to pull out of one's hat. However, given the degree to which health has come to inform our present age, I can see how a certain mindset will seek out a synthesis between two disparate notions. On the one had, there are those individualistic values, as communicated in our Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution, counterpoised against the collectivistic values that have come to inform medicine and health (govt. managed sickcare, as a salient example, i.e., Obamacare)
Slightly bold IMO too. I personally, wouldn't go so far as to recommend a pregnant woman to smoke cannabis until there is substantial scientific proof, but I wouldn't condemn them either. It should be enough that millions of people throughout history have used cannabis to relieve symptoms successfully with no fatalities recorded. You can't say that about the big pharma drugs that kill people everyday.
budbro said:
... I personally, wouldn't go so far as to recommend a pregnant woman to smoke cannabis until there is substantial scientific proof, but I wouldn't condemn them either...

In the book they say they don't recommend smoking cannabis but to just consume cannabis ( via edible and such). The smoke would probably not be be the best for a baby. But cannabinoids are essential for all life, so chow down pregos.
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