Cannabis In London Is Not What It Seems


New Member
It sounds more like the plot of the latest Hollywood 'stoner' movie rather than real life. But it is real and it could happen to you. Buyer beware!

Drug dealers in London have struck upon an easy way to earn big money from unsuspecting punters who think they are buying a deal of cannabis for the weekend.

'Good' cannabis should have a liberal sprinkling of trichomes if it is to do its job. If the cannabis you are offered is NOT covered in glistening THC glands (crystals), politely refuse the deal and shop elsewhere as you my friend, are about to be ripped off..

Instead of selling the psycho-active recreational drug version of cannabis, dealers have found fields of industrial hemp which are being legally grown for the creation of textiles and cosmetics, they have stolen great swathes of fresh hemp, dried it, and its now for sale on the streets of Colindale, marketed as illegal cannabis.

But you could smoke this stuff until hell freezes over, and its not going to do anything other than give you a head-ache.

So if you are looking for a deal this weekend in or around Barnet you are advised to look closely at what you're buying.

Officers in Barnet uncovered the ruse after seizing a large quantity of the crop which they believe was destined to be sold on the streets.

Detective Constable Jim Kellet, a drugs intelligence officer for Barnet, said:

"A person could smoke a barn full of hemp and not get high. But what we are concerned about is that people are putting large amounts of money into the hands of criminal gangs."
Don't they do that every day DC Kellet? Isn't that the primary by-product of prohibition?

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