Cannabis Sativa Harvest


New Member
Outdoor growers like growing Cannabis Sativa plants, which can grow up to 12 feet carrying more than 20 oz of bud. It is not uncommon for some Cannabis Sativa varieties to produce over 2lbs of bud per plant. These large plants are not harvested easily.

The process is similar to Indica except the harvest itself can be quite labor-intensive. You need a canvas spread or another means of carrying the bud. The plant should be chopped at the base and spread out on the canvas. The canvas is then rolled up and tied tight for transport. Obviously, if you have more than one plant you might need more than one canvas sheet.

The plant should then be hung upside down in a cool room, with fresh air and no light. Because of the plant's size and bushiness you may have to cut the branches and hang these up separately. Take a pair of clippers and remove leaves and trim as suggested in the Indica harvest section.

Fan Leaves, Marijuana Leaf and Trim
These are cured by letting them dry on a flat surface, away from direct light and with plenty of fresh air. The leaves will dry after three weeks and are easily smoked at that stage.Test them out to see what you like and what you don't like. Another thing you could do with the trim is to make hash from it. Don't try to speed up your drying process with ovens or microwaves or heat. Let them dry out naturally and you'll cure yourself a much better smoke from the leaves. Cannabis connoisseurs will discard the leaves in favor of the more pleasing and potent bud that is also far less harsh to smoke. Remember though that even if you are a connoisseur the leaves can be used to make hash.
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