Cleaning: metal Pipe


New Member
Okay i need to keep this pipe always clean due to smell=p and somone will know and i cant have that. so I plan to clean this every 1-2 smoke sessions what do i use to clean it
Cleaning it after every one to two session might get annoying. You could just put it in a plastic bag then put that in another bag and the smell should be gone. Or just stick it in a mason jar if you have one, anything air-tight will do.
Couldnt you use pipe cleaner...? I use that some times cuz I find it layin around the house. I always thought it cleaned my metal pieces fine, but I dont have to worry about an odor.
StonedMeatwad said:
Couldnt you use pipe cleaner...? I use that some times cuz I find it layin around the house. I always thought it cleaned my metal pieces fine, but I dont have to worry about an odor.
you mean like the shit that unclogs pipes?
the wires with the stuff on it. sometimes kids use it for like arts and crafts n shit.
I cleaned 2 pipes, a bubbler, and a bong last night with some 91% alcohol and salt. just let everything in a small container. works wonders!
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