Clinton Says No Pot Arrests Needed



Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 13:rofl:19 EST
To: (restore)
Subject: clinton says no pot arrests needed!!!!!
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(this is from my Compuserve Homepage, but there isn't a URL for it, sorry
about that.)

Clinton Says: No Jail Time for Pot

The president of the United States--the same guy who took some guff a few years back for saying he smoked marijuana as a young man but never inhaled--has spoken: Using and selling small amounts of pot should not be a
crime. (Of course, just because he says that doesn't mean it's the law.
Remember that!) In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, President Clinton was specifically asked if he thought that "people should go to jail for using or even selling small amounts of marijuana?" He answered: "I think that most small amounts of marijuana have been decriminalized in some places, and should be. We really need a reexamination of our entire policy on
imprisonment. Some people deliberately hurt other people, and they ought to be in jail because they can't be trusted to be on the streets. Some people do things that are so serious that that they have to be put in jail to discourage other people from doing similar things. But a lot of people are in
prison because they have drug problems or alcohol problems, and too many of them are getting out--particularly out of state systems--without treatment, without education, without skills, without serious efforts at job placement."
--Cathryn Conroy

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