

New Member
So I either have clovermites...or after reading possibly red spidermites......can anyone suggest how to get rid of either?, I was thinking of laying sand ontop of my soil.
Re: Clovermites!!!

A picture would help but one way to know...spidermites leave webs on the plants. Check under the leaves and at the internodes for webs. if you see them you have spidermites. I've never heard of clovermites.
You have a few options to getting rid of the mites. Beneficial insects/mites are one choice. Poisons are another. No matter which way you choose mites like dry areas so increase your humidity to make them breed less. Manual removal (picking them off) is always better than no action too. Some up in this area are using a product called floramite but I can't attest to it's safety.
Re: Clovermites!!!

I have had some success by using a neen oil solution 1TBS / litter of water and spraying/soaking the plant - repeated after 5/6 days since the eggs left behind will hatch in this time frame.
Re: Clovermites!!!

Neem has been known to work on mites but for some reason they seem to develope a resistance to it very easily and quickly. I use a product called mite-rid. It comes out of Australia and I get 100% effective results with one application. It's a systemic process and they recommend that use happens a week or more befor harvest. I refuse to use it within a month of harvest just to be safe. There were some posts about mite-rid on here in the past. Do some searching.
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