CO2 Selective Supplementation: Input Please


Active Member
Assumptions -
  • All environmental variables are controllable & on point, but ability to boost Co2 levels above 400 is limited.
  • Already have appropriate Veg period .

During what ~4 week phase would the plants benefit most from increasing Co2 levels?

I'm thinking the first 4 weeks of flower (after a couple of days acclimating to flip).

THANKS for your input!
I’ve been growing for 3 years with CO2 but only using it 2nd &3rd weeks. Checked out a site I caught in here that said all thru veg then the 1st-6th weeks @ 1200-1500ppm. I bought the rad 1050 CO2 controller and set it at 1475 ppm it never goes over 1500! Yes I use compressed CO2 off the beer truck.
That is very good advice... the real saver is veg when this is done correctly.

In bloom all the cool stuff is happening at night and it is not photosynthesis and is not using CO2... and as you know you should evacuate it for the night times.

It still "helps" through all of bloom but you don't want it high at night. And as with all CO2 it is a bit overkill especially in late bloom.

CO2 is great when done correctly and a waste and sometimes stunting when done wrong.

The real issue with CO2 is it is an added cost for a % faster veg and some slightly bigger yields. If you add one more plant in the cornner in most grows you would get the same result. For it to really help you need to be 16 plants or higher for the return to be there. I really wouldn't do it on a bloom that is under 20 good sized plants.

But there comes a point in the flower life where it stops filling in green mass and is just packing on resin... at that point it wont help. You can stop well before that. That is strain dependent but after 1/2 of your bloom you can stop for sure.
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