Coastal Commisssion Votes in Favor of Medical Pot Clubs

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Not sure how we missed this, but kudos to the OC Register for reporting that the California Coastal Commission voted--against the recommendation of its own staff--to deny Laguna Beach's effort to seek its approval for its ban on marijuana dispensaries. The Jan. 19 story by Claudia Koerner noted that because the city of Laguna Beach had already voted to ban dispensaries and because the ban didn't affect coastal access, commission staff had recommended a yes vote.
But as it turned out, six members of the commission happened to remember that medical marijuana is legal under state law, and they viewed the city's ban as an attack on patient's rights.

"For communities to not step up and take some responsibility for how their folks can have access, and to push it off onto other communities brings to us a consistency issue that is legitimate for us to look at even though it's not a directly a coastal access issue," commissioner Mark Stone told the Reg.

Another commissioner who voted against the ban, Ross Mirkarimi, explained his vote by saying that Laguna Beach was just "kicking the can up to the coastal commission to solve a policy problem" of its own. City Manager John Pietig told the Reg the vote didn't matter and he'd figure out another way to justify the city's policy on medical marijuana. The city's original vote to ban cannabis collectives was back in Sept. 2009. Another nearby coastal city, Dana Point, has also been engaged in an ongoing war with dispensaries.

NewsHawk: Jim Behr: 420 MAGAZINE
Author: Nick Schou
Copyright: 2011 OC Weekly, LP
Contact: Nick Schou
Website: Coastal Commisssion Votes in Favor of Medical Pot Clubs
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