Couple of oil questions :)


New Member
This is my first time making oil so I would appreciate any help or advice

I have some trim (sugar leaves and popcorn buds) that has been in my freezer for over a week

I will be extracting with iso achohol

I plan on using the Rick Simpson method

He recommends using a rice cooker...I have a Crock Pot (slow cooker)...I was wondering if I use it on high if it will still work. I imagine it will just take a little longer than a rice cooker but I'm not sure

Also I have about an OZ of dry frozen trim...since this is my first time I plan to do a small batch to start...but I also have about 4 OZ's fresh frozen trim (weight based on eyeballing size of dried trim not actual weight) ...Will this fresh trim have too much water content to make oil? (if so I'll just use it for canna butter)

Thank you for any help
This is my first time making oil so I would appreciate any help or advice

I have some trim (sugar leaves and popcorn buds) that has been in my freezer for over a week

I will be extracting with iso achohol

I plan on using the Rick Simpson method

He recommends using a rice cooker...I have a Crock Pot (slow cooker)...I was wondering if I use it on high if it will still work. I imagine it will just take a little longer than a rice cooker but I'm not sure

Also I have about an OZ of dry frozen trim...since this is my first time I plan to do a small batch to start...but I also have about 4 OZ's fresh frozen trim (weight based on eyeballing size of dried trim not actual weight) ...Will this fresh trim have too much water content to make oil? (if so I'll just use it for canna butter)

Thank you for any help

Hi Jay, the crock pot will work fine but use it on low not high. You don't want it boiling. Just let it simmer away from four to six hours. Don't worry about water in the leaves, it will still work but better dry. Any water will go away in the process of evaporation.
After you strain off the alcohol, you can put the oil back in the crock pot, (after cleaning it), to evaporate off most of the rest of the oil. When the alcohol has mostly evaporated, put the rest of the oil in a small container and just warm it on any kind of warmer. Coffee warmer, hot water heater vent, anywhere warm, and just let it evaporate until the alcohol is all gone. I think you'll know when. Lots of info on this on the web.. Good luck my friend.
Never done it w/ ISO, but I like this post. Videos ez to find on u-tube, may give you some tips.

If you don't have a fire ext. , just keep hose close by. :goodluck:

When do we get to see the WAX pics?

Fire extinguisher & eye protection recommended Jay.

Thank you for the reply Trich

My girl made me dump everything down the drain about 1 1/2 hrs before it was done because she didn't like the alcohol smell :(

I used a lot of my trim and popcorn buds to make canna butter but I will give it another go next harvest :)...I'll post The results
Thank you for the reply Trich

My girl made me dump everything down the drain about 1 1/2 hrs before it was done because she didn't like the alcohol smell :(

I used a lot of my trim and popcorn buds to make canna butter but I will give it another go next harvest :)...I'll post The results

LMAO, that is the funniest comment I have read all week! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
I have personally found ISO to be best if it is allowed to dry naturally. Use 99% for less evap time. I would also suggest freezing everything you use and keep it frozen while it is straining. Dry ice in a tub with the mason jars or whatever you are using to hold the filtered oil will give you amazing Qwiso. Also, if you are going to bake with it, use everclear instead of ISO, as it is foodgrade. I have also heard everclear qwiso tastes much better than ISO...if you have the Qwiso method down though, you might as well move to BHO for potency. I don't have one of those vacuum ovens but just do the qwiso process using everclear to purify the wax you make in "winterization"
Make sure you blow the butane outside and wait till it gets done reacting people, come on!

Edit* when cooking, decarb the bud, and use coconut oil. Full of fats, good ones and it allows the cannabinoids to get to you easier. I also think a good experiment would be to use not only cocunut oil but a mixture of butter, cocunut oil and some other fatty homogenous oil
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