Cutting in line is fatal to marijuaners.


New Member

From the lunch line in kindergarten on you've been told: don't cut in line. Cutting in line is rude; more than that, it's elitist. What you're saying when you cut in line is that you're better than the people who are patiently waiting their turn. Egalitarians that we are, we hate that. Which is why, in the grand list of People to Be Punished, line-cutters are right at the top with telemarketers and people who use cell phones at movies. So this tale of line-cutting karmic revenge should satisfy you.
"Arnold" was in Albany, waiting for a bus to take him to New York City. When it arrived, Arnold didn't see the point in waiting in line to board with the rest of the rabble. So he just cut ahead, hopped on the bus, and took a seat. This flagrant disregard of the other passengers incensed the bus driver, who told the cops. The cops arrived and asked Arnold for his ticket. Arnold reached into his pocket and pulled it out, but as he was doing so, a little extra something fell out of his pocket: a joint.

The cops wanted to take Arnold to jail. Arnold attempted physical a physical protest. It didn't work. While at the sheriff's lockup, Arnold showed he was a man of surprises, since in addition to the aforementioned pot, he was also carrying 18 small plastic bags of crack cocaine. These, it should be noted, weren't exactly in his pocket-he had secreted them somewhere else. No wonder he was in a rush to get back to New York City.

Arnold was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, resisting arrest, felony counts of tampering with evidence, and drug possession. His next bus trip may be to prison. Wonder if he'll try to cut in line for that bus.

*Uncle John's presents Book of the Dumb : p.g 80-81 "that's what you get for cutting in line"

Good story, but what kind of jackass calls the cops on someone who cut in a bus line?
okay, so if CUTTING the line is taboo, what about passing?? I'm a lightweight and sometimes I get beef for passing an opportunity for another puff. So what's up with that? How shopuld I go about skipping the next hit without offending the ritual?!
just take a small hit if it is that big a problem, but if u r already too fucked up just say "fuck you im not taking another hit now"
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