Do my seedlings look healthy?


New Member
blue dream 1


day 1 and day 6.. they have grown really fast it seems... so I'm brand new and it's a complete DIY project in a cupboard in a spare room. never done his before...

I found the seeds in blue dream ( banging blue dream too) so I know they could be male's fems or hermis.

they are in B and Q compost. (don't laugh) only thing available to me at that time.. they are under a 26w veg LED and seem to be doing OK. watered 3 days ago.... still moist.. what next? I'm totally inexperienced so any advice is really appreciated. cheers guys
they look good but they seem to be stretching for light . with a cfl grow you can put the light about a few inches from top of plant. on the toolbar above go to grow room ,click on how to grow..... is everything you need to know. keep us posted . good luck.:Namaste:
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