Does THC degrade in water when you water cure?


New Member
Does THC degrade in water when you water cure? :cool:
No. Thc is not water soluble but the chlorophyl is. Thats why water curing removes most all the green color from the bud and you end up with a browner looking bud.
No. Thc is not water soluble but the chlorophyl is. Thats why water curing removes most all the green color from the bud and you end up with a browner looking bud.

LOL IDK if your high or just read my question wrong. :smokin:
But I asked if THC degrades in water. Not if it's water soluble.
I heard somewhere THC degrades after being in water for so long.
I was wondering if this is right. And if so, how long in the water until it starts degrading. :bong:
if THC was water soluble it would degrade in water... hes telling you that THC will not degrade in the water... as far as i see he aswered the question.
if THC was water soluble it would degrade in water... hes telling you that THC will not degrade in the water... as far as i see he aswered the question.

Oh OK.... I wish he would've said it tha way you said it straight forwardly cuz I'm too high to understand. :smokin: lol

Thanks to tha both of you!

So technically I could store THC in water forever without it ever degrading huh? Then why haven't anyone said this before?
THC is not water soluable. Does that mean you can leave it in water for extended periods with no ill affects? Not likely. A gentle bath may be fine but extended exposure and abuse is not good.

OK how long is a gentle bath? And how long until it is not good? ;)
OK how long is a gentle bath? And how long until it is not good? ;)

I'm just going to go out on a limb and say the specific answer you're looking for has not been scientifically determined. Hence any information provided to you would be hearsay, stoner or no.

I have an easily-searchable thread going on about water curing. Perhaps a little more research on some other forums could point you in the right direction?

Take some advice from your signature, and do what I do. Try it.
Anything degrades(rots) if left in water long enough. To water cure all you need is about a week of being submerged. Experiment, try a small sample first and see how you like it.
I'm just going to go out on a limb and say the specific answer you're looking for has not been scientifically determined. Hence any information provided to you would be hearsay, stoner or no.

I have an easily-searchable thread going on about water curing. Perhaps a little more research on some other forums could point you in the right direction?

Take some advice from your signature, and do what I do. Try it.

I already did it. I bought 4 mason jars. Using tap water.

1) After 5 days it tasted really really harsh.
2) After 7 days it tasted really really smooth.
3) After 10 days it was still smooth but I notice a little less in potency.
4) After 12 days it was still smooth but I notice a lot less in potency.

So in my little experiment potency seems to be loss after 10 days.

I'm high right now so I don't know if I truly made any sense here but I'll read over it again when I'm sober and edit it. :grinjoint:
Was it just on that 7th day it tasted really smooth, or was it even better on the 8th or 9th day?

IDK.... I only had four jars and only dried them on those four day above respectively.... :rollit:

I'll try it again when I get some more buds.... But It'll be a while.... So looking it up on the net is the net best alternative.... :rollit:
some good info here never heard about this Water Cure. intresting stuff I am sure you all said the sasme when you heard about it
anyways can someone point me in the right direction for a good water cure link
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