Drug test tomorrow & Need Advice ASAP! - My first of many threads


New Member
Hello my fellow tokers...
For about a year & a half I was a heavy smoker (mostly OG, Blue Dream, White Widow, etc.) but recently I've only smoked about 2 times in the past week and it was some low grade Reggie Bush. I've been drinking a shit ton of water/tea and have averaged about 2 pots of coffee A DAY in the past 2 months (college life *i know it's unhealthy*)... I have to take a drug test tomorrow and I'm really considering taking Sur-gel mixed with Gatorade about 3 hours before my test (Drinking 2 gatorades both mixed with sur-gel, then peeing once 30 min after, then another 2 times before the big finale)... Any suggestions????? Also, if it helps: I weigh 165 and 6'1" with a pretty durn fast metabolism.
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