Early girl


New Member
This is my first time growing. Planted 3 Early Girl and now at week 7. One of them is 22 inches and the other 2 are half the size. Don't know why. Planted same time, everything was the same, water, soil etc.

Just wondering about the bigger one. It almost looks ready to flower but is there anything I should be looking for? Any help comments would help. Thank you.

Hi, sorry I did forget to mention that they are autoflowering early girl. I thought she was flowering, however, the buds seem small. so you suggest more light per day................18 and 6 dark. When do I know for certain that it will be ready to cut and hang? I have never done this before and have been reading up, however, there seems to be different ways???? BTW the other 2 are early girl auto's as well, but simply are half the size but thicker.
There's a chance maybe your big one is a different phenotype, but as far as lighting yes keep autos on 18 on 6 off. They're different from regular seeds in the sense that they don't really have a vegetation stage. They skip to flower automatically no matter how much light, so more light the better.

As far knowing when they are ready, you can get what's called a "jewelers loupe" it's a 30x-60x magnifying glass. You use this to look up close at the crystals (trichomes). Clear trichomes means not ready, majority cloudy means sativa like high, majority Amber is indica like high. The best is right about 75% cloudy and 25% Amber.
Thank you again. I was reading about that on the forum about the trichomes and I will go and get a magnifying glass to help. Right now we have plants under just plain lighting in the garage. (it is raining today) and I was wondering if getting better lighting would help?
Hi, I checked my CFL bulbs and they are 34w and I have moved my flowering plants to within 4 inches below the light. I am going to buy a magnifying glass tomorrow. I have a small one, but not sufficient to see the color or the milkiness. I want my big girl to be robust and fruitful. I have also bought a bunch of mason jars as I intend to cure them in those.

This whole process is so involved and there is so much to learn. I have a green thumb and will be using it to good use. Hey, maybe if Trudeau gets in he will legalize right away!!! I have been very careful and have not told anyone. Same rules as "Fight Club"!!! I do think, however, that as I only have 7 plants, I would not be high on the list for police. Maybe "high" wasn't the right word to use. HAHA

You have obviously done this before and have a quite a bit of knowledge to spare. Now that I have done the outside growing, with winter coming on I will have to look at my options for growing inside. Don't know if I will use a grow box, make one, try a greenhouse. I live in the country so I do have some options, just want to pick the right one. Decisions, decisions. Thank you again!!!
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