False or Fact


New Member
I read this in a thread somewhere and I am wondering if it is true "cut the lights off for the last 48 hours before you cut them down or at least pull out the CFL's or HID's and stick in a little 50 watt house bulb". They said that stress puts the plant into a do or die mode and makes them pump out resin to protect themselfs.
I also read this somewhere "if you physically beatup your plants 12 hours before harvest time it will increase the thc level as a defense mechanism" is this true?
:cheesygrinsmiley: How would you beat them without damaging them? Or are you talkin' about pitty patting these plants? I've never heard of this, but I'd bet either way is no good though, man.
The last issuse of Cannabis Culture had an article about a breeder named Dr. Atomic. He has six strains you can get from the vancouver seedbank.
anyway this is about a garden whose gardener acquired northern lights from amsterdam in 1988.
"These plants were left in darkness for three full days before being chopped down. Cannabis plants react to an extended absence of sun or light with the realization that frost/death is imminent, and pump out a lot of resin in a sort of panic. THey know that their life is soon terminated so they try to attract pollen in a last gasp to get fertilized. I believe these last three days of resin production contain the most potent cannabinoids."
I once had the luxury of having 4 almost identical growrooms, each 3' x 4' with a 600-watt hps w/full-spectrum bulb.
I was able to conduct all sorts of experiments with, among other things, extended dark periods immediently preceeding harvest.

I did one as I normally do, chop when ripe.
Then I did another one with a 2-day dark period, another with 3 days and the last one with a 5 day dark period.
The results of testing them among my 5 or 6 friends?
No different in potency except for the 5-day in the dark plants. They tasted terrible and potency was reduced.
The others were not a bit more potent, and the longer they were in the dark the worse they looked.

To me it's another marijuana myth, like hanging a plant upside down causes THC to run to the buds (it doesn't) or that drinking bong water gets you high (no too). It seems to kinda make sense but it's not true, in my experiences.
But try it for yourself. Harvest one plant when it's ripe and leave the others in total darkness for various periods of time.
A friend left his PPP plant in the dark for 4 days before harvest and we found mold in the buds. Pure Power Plant is a Sativa so we figured it had something to do with the extended dark period since Sativas are so airy and resistant to mold. Could be wrong...but I would make sure you have a fan goin' with them if ya leave em in the dark.

Ceelo said:
I also read this somewhere "if you physically beatup your plants 12 hours before harvest time it will increase the thc level as a defense mechanism" is this true?
The plant would spend it's resources on repairing itself instead of producing resins I think.
I dont think hitting your plant or anything else is going to help you out..and killin the lights will start to kill your plant
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