Finally legal

^Definitely! Just be sure to always be aware of your surroundings, never know what can happen. I'm a medical patient up here near SF, and check out what happened to me earlier this week!
Irish Lass said:
I went to the dispensary and I did purchase some things but if I say what hubby will erupt like a volcano. I wanted to go in to see the place as I had never been in one. When I get some money I'd like to buy some edibles and get some meds.

The people there were real nice (specially when they found out it was my first time in any dispensary). They wouldn't let my caregiver (hubby) in with me cuz the guard said they did that kind of stuff mon-thurs. and I was there on a Friday.

I don't remember too much else right now; having a horrid day. Just trying to stay medicated to keep the pain any. For whoever asked I got it for degenerative disc disease and fibromyalgia and to keep the depression away.

Hello Irish Lass!

I'm also a medical smoker of Marijuana. I use it for extrememe pain, but not on its own. I have also just started Morphine Sulphate patches that work wonderfully! They don't make you feel high or anything, they just keep the pain on an even keel. Then when I smoke (which is about every fifteen minutes since I grow my own and have plenty about!) it simply adds to the nearly-pain-free feeling. I get high as a kite, and have no pain stabbing away at my back and legs, so the resulting "high" is truly good and strong.

Anyway, ask your doctor about those patches, sweetheart. They really have made a big difference in my day! Too bad you don't live closer...I'd be happy to help you and hubby out with some killer Skunk #1 bud right now!

Mojave Dave
Since its legal that means you have to smoke as much as you possably can cuz they did this in canada and it was overturned about a month later. Stay High! :grinjoint:
^It's been legal for almost 10 years now. I don't think its going anywhere anytime soon. To borrow a quote from another member...

A: as long as there are hippies... there will be good weed
B: exactly!
B: and as long as theres good weed, there will be hippies!!
Mojave, I've been through the pain doctor route and have been off of methdadone for about a year and a half and can pretty much say I'll not go that route again. The side effects of the RX pain meds are wayyyyyyyy more than I can handle. I started off with Norco I think and then (fairly rapidly) was going to the stinking triplicates. Any way I've had it with conventional pain meds.
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