First guerrilla, welcome comments: this turned into a long post, sorry


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OK so this was supposed to be a little short quick response but I couldn’t stop opening up about what I’m trying to do and some of the reasons I’m having to do this. I hope I haven’t been too personal on here which I doubt I have, or take too much of your time and blabber too much. If so, pass on.

I have no one to talk to about this except my wife it makes her stressed the fuck out so you guys are all I have. Hope that doesn’t sound pitiful but I gotta stay low-key and frankly don’t have too many friends that really relate to this at all.

So 420 mag

Facts, cannot grow indoors, cannot grow in yard, leaves only the woods. Looking at places near my house where I can get in and out quick with no possible chance for the most part, of foot traffic.

Been hunting places for months. The woods, patches of woods near industrial sites, malls, etc. Quick ins and outs with low risk of being seen. Got to keep, an eye on cams in those type places and if clear I think could really pull it off. Doing several vastly different places though, an industrial area about 4 blocks from home. Behind the movie theatre way in deep. Take a walk, jump in the woods where there are no cams I can see, jump back out and keep on my walk. Also, some swampy wet areas where watering should be minimal, just trying to be varied in setups and methods.

Now, I know it is too easy to be stupid in something like this and not plan and not think this shit out. In anything blackish, the people that fuck up trying to pull something off are the ones that don’t plan. Shoot, I don’t think for a minute that shit might not go south, and be naive. I’m not about to do that kind of dumb shit, I’m smart enough to know that nothing is perfect, I can prep all I want to, and stuff can still happen. But if you have a plan, you carry out that plan, most times you could be successful and I damn sure plan on it. And I have been planning nonstop for six months down to every detail I can think of, and new shit pops up in my head every day that I need to consider.

Sorry for the huge post.

My area. This first shot, the real green one, is in mid July with daily temps in the 80’s - 90’s and it’s super healthy. Biggest worry is humidity but I did the same thing in this same area last year but in my yard and not even any pm. I figure this, plant a ton of 3 node seedlings with good slow release organics and roots organics microbe charges and step back. Check 2 x a month, always different path in, and see what happens. So far biggest expense was the seeds. Still have a shit ton of nutes left from last year.


Any comments on off ramps? The ones in these shots are at the bottom of sloping hills and gather water nicely but not crazy flooding though. Perfect place as I have been watching it all year but how to get in and out. All I can think is the wife will have to drop me, quick in and out and text for a pick up. I figure probably best early morning an hour or so before dawn. Quick in the ground and out. Even been practicing prepping a spot quick in back yard. Geeeez I m fucking nuts.

Everyone I ask says be stealthy and it takes balls, man I got big balls right now I could give a shit I’ll do anything. I’ve come close to dying a couple of times over the past few years from something thats starting to occur again. I don’t really give a fuck, I done shit way more ballsy than this in the past. Let’s just say in the 1980s you can make a buck or two flying back from the Bahamas with a surfboard packed correctly. Can’t believe I just said that but pulled that one off one time. I go through customs in Miami and have a customs agent asked me, do I have anything to claim and my ass says, nothing but a tan. Fuck. Then I’m headed on home to make a buck or two. I am not worried about the balls, I am not worried about the snakes or the swamps, I’m broke, kids got diabetes now, is autistic as well, fuk. I’m never going to stop smoking, especially now and this is the only way I can keep myself in weed. I’ve going to put out probably 15 plants 10 photos and five auto flowers, the way I described, and see what happens.

Sorry for that part, way ranty.

God bless all of you guys and gals on here. This community is by far one of the most caring and close knit I’ve ever seen in my 61 years. So peace out have a good night and sorry for the run-on post.
Dude, ditch the maps. Seriously no good can come from that. From the time of your post you have 7 hours (420 minutes) to edit that post. At bottom of your post there is report and edit buttons.

imho there’s way too many houses. I get hiding in plain sight but odor and close proximity to that many houses isn’t kewl. Now if you could head 30 minutes walk into the bush - bingo.
Dude, ditch the maps. Seriously no good can come from that. From the time of your post you have 7 hours (420 minutes) to edit that post. At bottom of your post there is report and edit buttons.

imho there’s way too many houses. I get hiding in plain sight but odor and close proximity to that many houses isn’t kewl. Now if you could head 30 minutes walk into the bush - bingo.
Well it looks like that it is a pretty deep walk into some of these places and having to cross over a couple ravines, unless your balls is hell it would be very difficult to get in there. Thanks so much for the advice on the pics I thought without any labels that would be a good way for a comment and thanks for yours!
Noway I would do outdoors in your situation. Too many game wardens, rippers, etc. Safety first and if indoors is a option, it's much safer imo.
Not trying to talk you out of it, just options. Be careful.
I agree with G.G. with led lights and a good ventilation system you can set up a grow in a closet with no one noticing anything. No smell, no outrageous electrical bills just the people you want will know. CL🍀
There’s a member @Carcass that has a thread about his $150.00 dollar grow. The money you invest in growing is a lot cheaper than lawyers,bond, etc. if you get popped trying a outside grow.imho CL🍀
Yeah, and walking up and down ravines too. Lol..
Run 1 or 2 plants, 300 bucks maybe.
Harvest more and don't have to walk 1000 miles a day tripping if someone is watching.
Sponsors here on 420 everything you need.
Sorry for the ramble, cheers
I agree with G.G. with led lights and a good ventilation system you can set up a grow in a closet with no one noticing anything. No smell, no outrageous electrical bills just the people you want will know. CL🍀
OK so here is the embarrassing thing for me at 61 years old, I’m renting to own from my mother-in-law, after a recent business loss and health issues by my kid I got wiped out. I cannot risk her house with my activities. The areas that I showed are extremely difficult to access and no kids go around there and they’ll be spread out all over the place at about five different locations so fingers crossed. I am investing very little money. Lots of shit left,over,from last,year. Really just need perlite, water crystals and some Mother Earth soil. All less than 150 any estimates. Fuck it, I am going for it and doing it close as that is how I feel the safest. 27 yeats and I know this area well. So again fingers crossed, let’s go! Just waiting for when in the ground. The growing season here I have been extended and we’re able to put stuff in the ground sooner according to the local nature conservancy as unfortunately global warming is heating it up. Thinking about going in the ground end of March and I will let you know.
OK so here is the embarrassing thing for me at 61 years old, I’m renting to own from my mother-in-law, after a recent business loss and health issues by my kid I got wiped out. I cannot risk her house with my activities. The areas that I showed are extremely difficult to access and no kids go around there and they’ll be spread out all over the place at about five different locations so fingers crossed. I am investing very little money. Lots of shit left,over,from last,year. Really just need perlite, water crystals and some Mother Earth soil. All less than 150 any estimates. Fuck it, I am going for it and doing it close as that is how I feel the safest. 27 yeats and I know this area well. So again fingers crossed, let’s go! Just waiting for when in the ground. The growing season here I have been extended and we’re able to put stuff in the ground sooner according to the local nature conservancy as unfortunately global warming is heating it up. Thinking about going in the ground end of March and I will let you know.
I wish you you all the luck in the world 🌎 and understand your situation. Trail cams and strategic planning are recommended. CL🍀
Dang Dude, this is your third post about the same topic basically in the last day. You got solid answers from All. Concentrate on learning how to Grow and Learn the plants & Roots Needs and Dislikes. Before you waste time on a Guerilla Grow!!

I not trying to be a asshole or anything. But Man, ya gotta hang around the shallow end of the pool of growing knowledge. Before you can do a Outback Guerilla Grow....

You can't just Throw a seed out in the wilds and expect buds like ya see in "Hightimes" mag or 420MAG Pics.

There's Bugs, mold, mildew, Deer, prairie dogs or mountain Beavers (depending on where you located), aphids, spider mites, Human Theives!! Etc.

Start small and grow a couple plants. Then go from there. Learn how to prevent molds, mildew, Deer, and Thieves via a few at a time. That will get you dialed in after a few seasons. I'm just trying to Help... As I was an over Eagerly of a grower, at First also..
iirc you did mention coastal region before so yeah the salt content in sandy soil plus brackish water prolly not good. But your idea of a hole liner will work but only if you follow the SIPpers rules and have something like a root aeration chamber. Otherwise weed roots will rot if left sitting with continuously wet feet, yup gotta have oxygen down into root zone.

I’m outdoorsy so I’m always on the hike…anywhere anytime, but I’d never try to grow that close in to that many dwellings like on that map. The odor will permeate whole neighborhoods on every side. If you are intent on guerrilla then start your plants at home and transfer out after you’ve got 5 modes of solid growth. Might be good to run autos since they flower fast…

Just saying - I wouldn’t put anything within 30 minute hike of my location… pull up aerial to do your scouting and find a spot 5 miles away where you can drive to, park and then hit the woods far away from houses

best of luck! Keep us posted
I did not catch this thread in time and missed being able to see photos or maps or anything else you included.

I thought you had mentioned where you live in another message or maybe it was someone else. Either way, it does sound like you are in an area with some very drastic consequences if noticed. If so, then might be best to do two or three plants per spot. If someone does find one of your spots you will only be out the plants that are there. If caught with your plants what will happen to you if you have one about 3 plants....what about all 15 plants?

If going for a true guerilla grow it will help to practice moving in and out of an area. Practice like you were a stalking style of hunter. Move a very short way as slowly as possible. Stop and let the animals forget you are there. Then move slowly towards your area without the small animals disappearing. If they run off, keep practicing. And, remember that people are animals. If you can do this correctly children and adults should not notice you slowly moving through the area and you and they never make contact.

When I used to think about doing similar grows I would plan on only getting into the area 3 or 4 times. Once to plant, one or two times at most to inspect and do maintenance, and once to harvest. Any tools and supplies you bring in will have to be left behind. Not a good idea to take a shovel in and out with you each time; the tools themselves can instantly draw attention if someone sees you with them. Lot less likely for someone to wonder exactly "what is he up to" if they just see you walking along.

Any comments on off ramps? The ones in these shots are at the bottom of sloping hills and gather water nicely but not crazy flooding though. Perfect place as I have been watching it all year but how to get in and out. All I can think is the wife will have to drop me, quick in and out and text for a pick up. I figure probably best early morning an hour or so before dawn. Quick in the ground and out. Even been practicing prepping a spot quick in back yard.
I did not see any photos, but if these "on and off ramps" are what I picture in my mind then they are not worth the trouble and risks involved. The very first thing that came to mind was what will you do if your wife pulls over to pick you up and several seconds later a police car pulls over to find out why a woman is at the side of the road at an hour or so before dawn? What if they pull over right as you are putting the harvest in the car?

It makes a stealth grow in the corner of the back yard seem much safer.
Good morning, one last question and then I am done bothering. You see the areas above, risk driving 20 minutes on the highway loaded up at harvest, or do close by where I can walk or bike. Everyone gets sketched out by these areas but the thing is you guys don’t know how hard access into there is and how tough the area is to traverse. I have been to my spots and not easy.
So harvest and drive or grow nearby?
Good morning, one last question and then I am done bothering. You see the areas above, risk driving 20 minutes on the highway loaded up at harvest, or do close by where I can walk or bike. Everyone gets sketched out by these areas but the thing is you guys don’t know how hard access into there is and how tough the area is to traverse. I have been to my spots and not easy.
So harvest and drive or grow nearby?
Cannot do backyard, rent to own from my mother in law and can’t put her at risk.
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