First timer wondering when can you determine whether your seedlings are either indica or sativa

amendment to thread .. the mix is 50/50 water to chicken blood... kinda cool how those natural fertilization tricks get passed down through the family whether North or South..
Thankful to be raised that way. With the way things are headed now people better learn how to live off the land. I know people dont like to get in to political stuff on forums but people need to stop being sheep. I have a huge seed bank with damn near every fruit and vegetable just incase i have to move my family to our camp in the swamp. I dont know how my 3 daughters and wife would survive without that phone. My youngest is the only one who takes interest in hunting , fishing ,and farming. I just thank God that i was raised the way i was ass whippings were free and you work for everything you wanted. People look at me crazy when i pass my hand on that ass in the middle of walmart but ass whippings cant wait. If you let them get away with it 1 time then they think its ok. My little one just loves ass whippings then she says.... that dont hurt. I think she spends too much time with me.
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