First Toke After a Dry Spell!


New Member
:thanks: Just thought I'd start a discussion on some of your best experiences with your first smoke out session after a dry spell! This topic comes about because I am waiting on a delivery of some sweet and lovely Kush and I can't wait! ;-D It's been about a month for me, partly voluntary and partly because I haven't been able to find anyone, and I can hardly wait. haha. I'll be sure to let ya'll know how awesome I'm feeling when I get there :ganjamon: In the meantime please share your experiences!
haha, seems like just a month or so ago I was a new member and posting a thread on the same thing. wait... it was! lol nah kidding. yeah dude its awesome. how long u been dry? i went without for like three months and toked up with some friends one night.. guess its been a good month ago now at least... couldn't drive for hours! i wish i could still get that high. dont feel like waiting a month for my tolerance to go back down though lol. but i might! nah. got one joint left and that's all until i break and go buy some more. oh wait, i just looked and u said it's been a month. PREPARE FOR LIFTOFF!!! haha and if its really kush then awesome dude. i wouldnt know... i got some "kush" before and it was seedless and beautiful, smelled really good... but it didn't get me higher than everything else had. and all id had before then is mids and once some 60/q highs. but anyway enough of that depressing stuff... ur gonna have a lot of fun! enjoy!
Hey! I have to say its gotta be real kush because this high falls right below my first hit off a bong, which was simultaneously my first hit of bubble hash! :slide: haha Now that is the highest I have every been and fear that I will never feel again! Eek! The hit I'm riding off of now is awesome! I'm watching Pineapple Express while studying for a class and loving it! :surf:

Thanks for the reply!:yummy:
I've had to resort to re-vaping some already vaped bud. It's so barbaric!
Yeah, but I'm too efficient with my vaping. Not really getting any sort of effect. I'm gonna take a week-long tolerance break and save up for this weekend so I can get super-blasted when the time comes.
I've definitely been there too...its the pits. Bleh! Nothing like some fine fresh herb to make ya go YUM! lol ;-D
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