GA: The Fate Of Medical Marijuana Bill Came Down To Difficult Decision

Robert Celt

New Member
After weeks of trying to pass a medical marijuana bill — supporters say it never really stood a chance.

We've been following the story of Dale Jackson.

The Troup County father who is fighting for changes in the law for cannabis oil to help his autistic son Colin and other families in the state.

But as Jackson tells us — the fate of the bill came down to a very difficult decision.

"I literally bent over in pain, crying on the floor of the Senate."

Jackson describes the last moments of the Georgia legislative session right before he had to make a decision to either support a bill that helps his son or stay true to the hundreds of families fighting to change the cannabis oil laws in the state.

Jackson says a group of Senators received a bill — the only bill that could be passed before the end of the session — that listed Autism as a treatable condition — but also lowered the level of THC from 5-3% — an issue that the families fighting together agreed was non-negotiable.

So Jackson told the Senators they would not support the bill.

"I just remember standing back up telling them, you've got to vote no and walked away... and it never came up for a vote."

Jackson is open on social media about his fight for his son.

Several weeks ago — he says he started taking advantage of a loophole in the law — that allows for his son to take cannabis oil.

That loophole will soon be closed in the coming weeks.

He says since he's been taking it... he's seeing amazing results.

"He's getting so much better at feeding himself. He seems to understand things better."

Jackson says his son Colin is now able to relax in the bathtub.

For now — he is content with his decision to **not** to support the bill that would have helped his son but affected hundreds of others.

He adds seeing such great results with Colin makes him fight even harder.

"thanks to cannabis oil, and relaxing him, it could be potentially life-saving for him."

Even though the bill is dead the fight doesn't end here.

Jackson plans to spend the next year educating the public on cannabis oil with panels of professionals and success stories — just like his son Colin.

If you'd like more information on cannabis oil — for or against — Jackson says he's willing to talk with you. Give him a call at (706) 594-2374.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: GA: The Fate Of Medical Marijuana Bill Came Down To Difficult Decision
Author: mercerwrb
Photo Credit: Youtube
Website: WRBL
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