Ganja Farma - Hempy Buckets Grow Box - Sugar Magnolia - Grow Journal - May 31, 2011

Ganja Farma

New Member
Sugar Magnolia is no longer just an awesome Grateful Dead song, but also a dank Indica Hybrid strain!:yahoo: Here are some stats from Mother Chucker's website (the supplier):

F-1 - Indica Hybrid
Train Wreck
OG x Bubba
Average - Good
The famous e-32 Arcata cut is the Grand-father
Strong Body high - mellow
10 seeds per pack 12 came in the pack:bravo:
Easy to grow:adore:
8 - 9 weeks
Mid - late September

Shout out to :cheer: Angel's Care Collective :cheer: for the pack of 12 seeds I picked up today, I thank you.
Now to begin, after reading Mother Chucker's recommendation on the bag I simply left the seeds in their air-tight container and put them in a paper bag that was then placed in a lower refrigerator drawer.

They will be left in the fridge for 2 weeks, but then...
I will place them in a jar of water (PH ~6.0) for 12 hours. Next the pre-soaked seeds will be placed into Rockwool cubes.
My Rockwool cubes will have also been soaked in water (PH ~5.5) for 30 minutes prior to placing the seeds in them.
The cubes will have a seed warming pad beneath them and will be placed in a large plastic storage container (1.5'x2.5'x1.5').
I will check on them daily in the evenings to mist the cubes- only if needed though.
I got the concept for this way of germinating from Irving Berger's blog post seen here.

Once the roots are visible through the cube(s) I will transplant the individual cubes into plantable pots (held by a custom-cut Dixie cup) which will already be filled with medium (pre-soaked to be moist). The medium will be a mixture of coco coir (40%), perlite (40%), & vermiculite (20%).

The plan is to keep the warming pad beneath the cups and place them beneath a 30W (6500K) T12 fluorescent light suspended only 1" above the cups. This light will only be used to entice sprouting and then will be replaced by a 250K HPS/MH combination.

That's all for now, next time I will have an update with pictures of my grow setup and where the seeds are along their journey to becoming seedlings.
Re: Ganja Farma: Hempy Buckets in Grow Box, Sugar Magnolia - Grow Journal - May 31, 2

*250W HPS/MH lights (range of 2100K-6500K)
Re: Ganja Farma: Hempy Buckets in Grow Box, Sugar Magnolia - Grow Journal - May 31, 2

This thread deserves an update.

Long story short, I am down to 7 out of the original 12 seeds (Sugar Magnolia). It's been about 1 month exactly and only 1 sprouted up.
I also had a Blue Dream seed I started/sprouted. I placed 1 23W 6500K CFL about 2" form the sprouts and the Sugar Magnolia died. The Blue Dream had white "burn" marks, but somehow is still surviving(?). I now placed the light a good 2 feet from the little baby (and realize the dumb-error of my ways :-/). Hopefully it will make it.


Five other seeds are beginning to poke through the surface. I have placed humidity domes on those cups.



The last 2 are still in the soil. Not sure if they will make it, but I am holding out hope.
I received a Shiva Skunk clone from the club on the house. I have it ~10" from (6) 23W 6500K CFLs. I plan on replacing the CFLs with my 250W MH once the plant outgrows the Dixie cup it's in. I will be able to place the MH at a maximum of ~15" (box limits) and therefore I want to make sure I don't burn her by putting in the MH bulb too soon.


I found a nice looking seed in my Skywalker OG sack last night; I placed in damp paper towel inside of an open ziploc and placed in my closet.


I'll add more pics of my setup once I have a bit more growth going on. I figure the transplant to my Hempy buckets will be the big photo shoot to start off this thread right. In the meantime any questions, comments, or advice is more than welcome (and greatly appreciated).



Did I mention this is my first grow? The grow I did before was just dropping seeds in the soil and watching them grow, but I had to leave before harvest and therefore never fully finished a complete grow. I'm going for success so I read a lot in the forums here (and elsewhere), but nothing beats plain old experience.


Temperature stays at around 70 - 80F while the Relative Humidity stays around 55 - 65%. I have the clone on a 18/6 hr light cycle. I lightly mist the leaves after lights out & lightly water at lights on.
Seeds are misted at lights on with a few drops of water as well. No nutes yet for any (wouldn't want "crack babies" now).
Re: Ganja Farma: Hempy Buckets in Grow Box, Sugar Magnolia - Grow Journal - May 31, 2

Here's a better pic of the poor little traumatized Blue Dream sprout:


Here's the seeds at night time under a 30W 6500K T12 Fluorescent:


Temperature from 75-90F (~78F most of the light cycle) RH ranges from 55-65%.

Re: Ganja Farma - Hempy Buckets Grow Box - Sugar Magnolia - Grow Journal - May 31, 20

Is this grow still alive?

If so, please update us with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial:
Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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