Good Info


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How to make a tincture :

A marijuana tincture is a solution of alcohol and THC. Tinctures are a much more concentrated version of the traditional drink known as "The Green Dragon.". The higher the ratio of alcohol to weed is, the greater the potential for THC to be drawn out is. And since all that extra grain alcohol isn't appetizing to anybody but mental patients,I always evaporate off the excess.

How do I make it?
- If you want to make a marijuana tincture, you should use one whole bottle of everclear (a fifth) and at least an eighth of buds, but no more than a half ounce or you will be wasting weed.

(ixnay007) You need to use PGA (pure grain alcohol) because the more water present in your alcohol, the more nasty stuff ends up in your green dragon like tanins, etc (it'll end up brown).
- Grind the buds up well before mixing them with the alcohol.
- Let the mixture steep (covered) for anywhere from a week to a month. Shake the covered container (I use Tupperware, but the original bottle will work fine) once or twice a day, and remove the cover once a day to prevent any gases from building up. Beware though, if you steep for a month, (and I've known people who steep for longer) chances are the drink is just going to knock you out cold.
- After the mixture has been steeped to your satisfaction, strain out the plant material with cheese cloth (squeeze the cloth to get the remaining liquid out)
- Pour the liquid in a saucepan and heat on LOW heat using either a hot plate or an electrical stove. If you try doing this with a gas stove, you will burn your nuts off. Just continue heating until it has evaporated down to the amount of liquid you want.

Note: make sure you're doing this on LOW heat, as you don't want to burn yourself by boiling the alcohol. Also be aware that this process is very stinky, and will make your house smell like weed for a couple of hours, unless it is extremely well ventilated. That's why I always do this in my backyard with a hotplate and an extension cord.

(ixnay007) When you have green dragon that you aren't going to drink, you need to remember to store it in cool very dark places, as alcohol-extracted THC is fairly unstable, and will degrade quickly in light or when exposed to heat.

You can drink it straight, or mix it. The potency is high, and is similar to eating oil-extracted THC, yet is different at the same time. You'll just have to try it!

Cooking with -oking with Cannabis
Rather than tell you how to make a cake or cookies with cannabis (go look up the recipe!), this section is dedicated to the theory of how to use cannabis successfully in any recipe that requires butter, fats or oils.
Important points to remember when cooking with cannabis are that you need to ensure an even spread of cannabis throughout the chosen dish and that the meal or item produced should not be too heavy. If you have a full stomach then the cannabis constituents will take longer to enter the bloodstream - this is not to say that eating raw hash is better. By making for instance biscuits your stomach will produce bile when you eat, which will assist in the digestion of THC. Another point is to avoid using recipes with excessive sugar as this may slow down or dilute the effects.
The basic principal in cooking with cannabis is to first extract the THC into a fat, for example butter or an oil. You do this basically by adding the cannabis to hot oil and allowing it to dissolve, then you add the oil/cannabis mix to the food you're preparing.
If you live in or near an Asian community, you can do even better by using ghee (clarified butter) which is widely used in Asian cookery. Because ghee has been clarified, had all the impurities taken out, it tends to become very hot when liquefied, so be very careful when melting it!
Powder the cannabis, the pieces should be as small as possible. Next, weigh your prepared cannabis and note how much there is. A ratio of 1 ounce (28 g) to 1 lb (450-500 g) of ghee is recommended. Working with this ratio a recipe requiring 125 g would contain about 7 g (1/4 ounce) of cannabis. Measure out the correct amount of ghee for your supply of cannabis and begin to heat. Once the ghee has melted turn down the heat so that the oil is not burning or cooling off.. Sprinkle in your crumbled cannabis and stir gently. It is up to you how long you heat the mixture, stirring occasionally, to ensure the THC fully dissolves, but around an hour is a good guide. When your ghee is cooked, place a clean cloth in a sieve and drain the (very hot!) mixture into a pan or bowl and leave to cool.
If you're using herbal cannabis you may find that a lot of cannabis enriched ghee remains on the leaf matter. Most of this can be recouped by placing the plant matter and cloth in a pan. Cover them with clean water and bring to the boil, then simmer for 20 minutes. Carefully retrieve the (hot) cloth and use it to reline the sieve. Put the sieve over a second bowl and strain the leaf/ghee/water mixture through it. The THC rich ghee will form a suspension in the water and will flow through the sieve into the bowl. Finish by rinsing the sieve with some boiling water. Put the bowl aside and allow to cool for a few hours, as it does so the oil comes out of suspension gathers at the surface and solidifies near the edge., allowing you to pour off the water. This operation can recover up to a 1/3 of your ghee so it is well worth going to the trouble.
The ghee, or sacred ghee as the Hindus call it, can now be used in any recipe calling for marg or butter - biscuits and cakes are a favourite.
Getting the strength right is the difficult part, since this depends on the strength of the cannabis you're using as well as simply the amount, thanks to prohibition there's no way of knowing how strong it is without "sucking and seeing". UKCIA advises that you make a large number of cakes or biscuits - say make 10 from 2grms (1/16th ounce) for starters and see how you go from there. You can always eat more than one if you think you need it.
Cannabis tincture:
How can I prepare a cannabis tincture or cannabis oil?
- Manfred Fankhauser
Old formulas on medicines of cannabis suggest the following procedure (if you have no special pharmaceutical equipment):
Cannabis tincture: Take about 3-5 parts of alcohol (e.g. brandy or ethyl alcohol from the pharmacy, 40-70%) and 1 part cannabis leaves/flowers (e.g. 25 g marijuana and 100 ml alcohol). Keep it in a dark and cool place for about 10 days. Shake it from time to time. Filter it using a sieve. Store the finished tincture dark and cold (e.g. in your refrigerator), so that efficacy will remain for several weeks and months.
Cannabis oil: Take some dried cannabis, reduce it to very small pieces, and add edible oil (e.g. olive oil) so that the plant material is completely covered with the oil. Keep it in a dark and cool place for about 3 weeks. Shake it a little every day. Filter it using a sieve. You may use this oil for internal and external application.
Dr. Fankhauser is a Swiss pharmacist.
- José T. Gállego
It is easy to prepare a tincture or an oil from cannabis, that concentrates the active compounds of the plant. You need marijuana (any quality, good or bad, leaves or flowers), ethyl alcohol of 96-99% (e.g. from the pharmacy), a glass that can be closed (e.g. used for marmalade), a coffee filter or a piece of fabric (e.g. a part of a t-shirt), a deep plate or a frying pan, a bottle with a dropper.
Reduce the cannabis to small pieces and put it into the glass. Cover it with enough alcohol. Keep it in a dark and cool place for about a week. Shake it every day. Filter it using a coffee filter or the fabric. Press the last drops of alcohol out of the plant material. You may repeat this process several times, at least once, better two times: you may again put the cannabis into the glass and cover it with alcohol.... Finally, put all the alcohol (it will have a green colour) into to a deep plate. Keep it in a tempered and ventilated place so that some of the alcohol will be evaporated increasing the cannabinoids concentration of the tincture. This may take ten days. When enough alcohol is evaporated fill the extract into the bottle with the dropper.
The cannabis tincture can be used directly, or dissolved in a drink or food, or vaporized. To vaporize the tincture a commercial vaporizer or the old silver paper system can be used. Form a teaspoon out of silver paper, put some drops of the tincture on it, carefully heat it with a candle until the alcohol evaporates. Than inhale it using a small tube (e.g. the body of a ball point pen).
To produce hashish oil you have to evaporate all the alcohol from the tincture until the extract becomes a dark paste (similar to tar). It is possible to place the glass at a warm place to accelerate the process of evaporation. It should not be placed into the sun because the THC will be destroyed faster than. It should not be heated to avoid an explosion of the alcohol.
According to: Gállego JT: Tintura de cannabis. Canamo, No 46, July 2001:76-77.
that is fucking awesome info, especially for me, i love experimenting to see how things turn out, i have this child's curiosity that will never die, i will deffinitely try that sometime soon. thanks purple monkey, you're the shit.
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