Government Wrong to Make Criminals of Marijuana Users


420 Member
For more than 70 years, now otherwise law-abiding and productive members of society have been punished and turned into criminals for possessing a plant that is as natural as the air we breathe.

With the government's multi-billion dollar anti-pot propaganda machine, they have convinced a majority of Americans that cannabis is an evil plant that is dangerous to our society.

Most people don't realize that humans have an 8,500-year relationship with marijuana dating back to our earliest civilizations. People have used cannabis for ropes, clothing, oils, food, medicine and for recreational purposes. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew cannabis in early America and encouraged every one to do so.

Marijuana itself is neither good or evil; it is simply a plant. The only thing that damages society is the prohibition of marijuana. From a spending point of view, our government wastes around $12 billion annually trying to enforce marijuana laws. These are laws that large percentages of the population choose to ignore. This creates a general disregard for the rule of law among the many people who choose to disobey.

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2007, 872,721 people were arrested for marijuana in the United States. Some 89 percent of those arrests were for a misdemeanor personal possession. T hese are not drug dealers; these are regular people with a little pot on their person. These marijuana arrests made up 47.5 percent of all drug arrests for the year and outnumbered all violent crimes combined.

It seems that our law enforcement could direct their resources towards actually keeping its citizens safe instead of targeting non-violent offenders.
It seems even more ridiculous when you research the actual dangers that marijuana itself poses to society.

Recent scientific research has shown that marijuana is safer than most drugs that are currently legal, including alcohol and tobacco. Anyone can testify to the fact that alcohol use leads to violent and irrational behavior, behavior that seems to be lacking by those under the influence of cannabis.

Marijuana has never killed a single human being, ever. It is impossible to overdose on cannabis, even though drugs like Tylenol claim 400 lives a year from overdose. I'm not encouraging the use of marijuana because it is not for everyone, but it is most certainly not a crime.

News Hawk- Weedpipe 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Springfield News-Leader
Author: Brandon Boatman
Contact: - Springfield, MO
Copyright: Springfield News-Leader 2009
Website:Government wrong to make criminals of marijuana users
Amen Brother WEEDPIPE. As you well know, Indiana has some of the most egregious penalties for simple possession of any state. I am now a multiple felon for simple possession. Drivers license, vehicle registrations, job, tens of thousands of dollars, respect for police, respect for legal (NOT Justice) system, all gone for simple possession of a plant.

I have a lot of guilt for years of not speaking the truth and being somewhat of a closet stoner. No more. I find that most people, when confronted with the truth, are shocked at the lies perpetuated by the government in the supposed interest of public safety. It has never been about crime or public safety, it has ALWAYS been about money and control.

My 30 years of using marijuana have never caused any problems (i.e. advanced degree, career, family). The prohibition of marijuana and persecution of an otherwise law-abiding citizen has virtually destroyed my life.

The reefer madness needs to stop....
ya man, ya get a little older, ya get tired of the bs and ya stay quite no more. im moving in a little over 2 years. im thinkin a smaller town in N. cali or. S oregon ... :peace:
Honestly i think they should go a head and legalize marijuana. A lot of people use it as a pain reducer, because they cant take prescribed medication due to allergic reactions or other medical reasons they can't take prescribed medication.Plus this country could use that 12 billion dollars on paying our debt to china.
Thats very informative.
I never thought I 'd see these days of Decriminalization and legalizing medical use. I sort of gave up years ago, after 40 years of daily smoking, I just didn't see any progress, until California made the inititive. Now I am very hopeful, seeing the states struggle financially and realizing there are many benefits to legalization, like taxation.

The Problem is in an illegal state, you stand out like a target or sore thumb if you voice an opinion to make it legal.
The Problem is in an illegal state, you stand out like a target or sore thumb if you voice an opinion to make it legal.

lol, you should see the looks i get from people when i wear my 420mag shirt to the grocery story, i gotta tell ya, when they stare at the 420 logo makin sure their seein what their seein, well, its just priceless ... :grinjoint:
Actually, Marijuana has killed people, perhaps not in it's use, but in let's say, the dumb idea's our two Govt's are handling the war on drugs. Mostly what is going on between Mexico and the USA, Mexico is now saying they are done fighting, at least from the rumors going around, (if you know different, let me know). Not fact. The rumor is, that America isn't doing enough, so Mexico will legalize MJ and that America may as well.

The fight seems to be spending millions over the MJ war and it's not working and by legalizing it, the cost drops dramatically and it will all blend in like Amsterdam, hopefully one day.

Right now, my POV MJ has cause a lot of death and for no reason.
For more than 70 years, now otherwise law-abiding and productive members of society have been punished and turned into criminals for possessing a plant that is as natural as the air we breathe.

With the government's multi-billion dollar anti-pot propaganda machine, they have convinced a majority of Americans that cannabis is an evil plant that is dangerous to our society.

Most people don't realize that humans have an 8,500-year relationship with marijuana dating back to our earliest civilizations. People have used cannabis for ropes, clothing, oils, food, medicine and for recreational purposes. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew cannabis in early America and encouraged every one to do so.

Marijuana itself is neither good or evil; it is simply a plant. The only thing that damages society is the prohibition of marijuana. From a spending point of view, our government wastes around $12 billion annually trying to enforce marijuana laws. These are laws that large percentages of the population choose to ignore. This creates a general disregard for the rule of law among the many people who choose to disobey.

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2007, 872,721 people were arrested for marijuana in the United States. Some 89 percent of those arrests were for a misdemeanor personal possession. T hese are not drug dealers; these are regular people with a little pot on their person. These marijuana arrests made up 47.5 percent of all drug arrests for the year and outnumbered all violent crimes combined.

It seems that our law enforcement could direct their resources towards actually keeping its citizens safe instead of targeting non-violent offenders.
It seems even more ridiculous when you research the actual dangers that marijuana itself poses to society.

Recent scientific research has shown that marijuana is safer than most drugs that are currently legal, including alcohol and tobacco. Anyone can testify to the fact that alcohol use leads to violent and irrational behavior, behavior that seems to be lacking by those under the influence of cannabis.

Marijuana has never killed a single human being, ever. It is impossible to overdose on cannabis, even though drugs like Tylenol claim 400 lives a year from overdose. I'm not encouraging the use of marijuana because it is not for everyone, but it is most certainly not a crime.

News Hawk- Weedpipe 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Springfield News-Leader
Author: Brandon Boatman
Contact: - Springfield, MO
Copyright: Springfield News-Leader 2009
Website:Government wrong to make criminals of marijuana users
Not only is the government wrong prosecutng cannabis users.. but its' wrong to place HEADLINE ads on NEWS websites saying a drink a day is good for you, albeit right before new years... so LOBBYIST are powerful and can advertise booze anywhere..what crap

"MARIJUANA IS SAFER: so why is our government driving us to drink"?
-MAson Tvert
Marijuana has killed people

i will have to respectfully disagree. greed, control, and ignorance are the true culprits, Mj is just the product, not the deciding factor on who lives or dies. who lives or dies is totally controlled by a human decision ... :peace:
Decriminalization and regulation are coming...slowly but surely ...thanks in part to the AMA reversing its policy position on marijuana being a Schedule 1 controlled substance. California will lead the way. 44% of Americans support legalization of marijuana according to a Gallup poll survey (20% were too baked to respond - just kidding). If Mexico legalizes cannabis, it will probably reduce drug cartel crime; murder, extortion, etc.
Sorry to hear about the stigmatization of a felony for possession. Come on out to California. You'll be glad you did.
I think you'd have a good case that your 1st Amendment rights are being violated if they tell you you can't were a NORML shirt as that's plainly political speech. I'm presuming your reeducation regimen is court mandated which means the 1st Amendment is very much involved. Also, most drug rehab outfits get Federal and State money, which makes them subject to such a suit. Find a rabid 1st Amendment lawyer that'll take the case pro bono and tell him to sic them.

Anyway take it or leave it. I went through the same in 1992 and would almost love to have a do over as I regret not pursuing the bastards with every resource at my disposal. 12 step meetings are also a 1st Amendment violation as they are obviously religionist in substance and form. Ordering someone to attend violates the separation of church and state.
If the United State of America legalizes marijuana it could turn into a major export industry. if they start selling to Mexico and other countries that marijuana is legal, then the United State of America can make billions instead of losing billions on keeping it illegal.:bigtoke:
I don't even know why they call it the land of the free, because nothings free :passitleft:
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