Green Leaves are drying up


Well-Known Member

Here is my grow with latest pictures

Plant Growth

Now my plants are growing new leaves from the nodes and but are drying up and crumbing when i touch them they are not BROWN BUT GREEN, and the some off my fingers on my plants about 10 of them have brown small patches in the middle of the fingers and the veins on the fingers are brown, i had the plant about 8 inches away from my 400 Watt HPS light and use folige springing, ... so i moved my light up so its now about 13 inches away i think it was too close to the light and when i spray my leaf it burned it like a magnify glass... and i some yellowing leaves at the bottom but i keep cutting them off....they new yellow up but just at the bottom nodess....and the foliage spray i used filtered water mixed with a pinch of African Violet 12-36-12. Oh am on 12-12 i started it 4 days go.:headbanger:
well it has not shown sex so am not in flowering stage yet, please help on the leaft prob.
Sounds like you already fixed it. The yellow leaves is old growth if its at the bottom.Wait til they die before you remove them.As for the burnt part,just leave it alone.Maybe it will grow out.Always keep the hot lights 12 to 19 inches away from plant unless you have a cool air reflector.Then you can drop to 8 inches.
just leave em alone bro. This can occur for several reasons. Just make sure that the lights aren't as close as prviously mentioned. And don't cut em off. Let nature takes its course, your plant is fine,,,1:headbanger:
Here is my plant i dont know if this is a female, in the picture below can you see the hairs i dont know if those are hairs or not.



Hey i have a problem like i said above here are some pictures....



Here is one of my little retard plant - dont know the sex yet


Here is the Female plant that has the leaf problem

please tell me what is wrong, the yellowing starts from the new growth on the top of the plant and goes down to about the middle of the plant please help me..on this.
and Not all leaves but about maybe 10-15 fingers only and some of my new leaves growing on the side of the plants are green but when i touch it, it crumbs...whats wrong ??
weediologist said:
thanks can you tell me what you think the problem is.???
dude, it could be a number of things.

Too many nutes

Too close to the lamp

plus, you have foil all over the grow area,,,thats no good and can cause the leaves to dry. Instead, you need white walls.

I Dont Have Foil Its Emergemcy Blanket. I Think It Was Heat, This Problem Is No More I Just Wantted To Know What Was Wrong It Was Heat, The Plant Was To Near The Lamp. I Still Have This Problem But Just Very Little Now.
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