Growing with Bananas!


New Member
Well I just recently added some Driedblood(high in N) and BoneMeal(high in P) and I could not find anything High in Potasium. I know bannanas are high in Potassium naturally so if I were to put a banana or 2 in my pot do you think it would be a good source of K?
I dont know. Good question. I would let it dry out and then crumple it into the pot. That way you dont have a rotting banana giving an invitation to mold.
Good point, maybe I'll just buy some of those dehydrated banana chips. I didn't consider the possability of mold from the moisture of the banana. So do you think a bag of those chips will do? I'm not sure on the actuall Potasium content but I'm sure its high.
Sometimes those chips have salt. Our type of salt sodium chloride, which is poison to plants. Also if they have been dryed with alot heat, alot of the nutrients go with it. They might just work though. Give it a try just make sure that they dont have salt.
O yeah and it has to be potassium that can be taken by the plant. Sometimes human vitamins are a different substance like a mixture of chemicals that it up. Those chemicals can sometimes be poisonus to the plant or not easyly up taken.
How long do you think it would take for me to dry the banana in open air? or will it just rot? Maybe I'll just burry the banana or mabe mush it up and try to mix it in with the water and thin it out alot.

I thought it was a good idea Carp, good think I didn't run out and go buy some pills just now!
I would just mash the bananna up with some moist dirt and use it like that. Put the bannana dirt in and then cover it with more soil if you are worried about a smell. I don't think it would ever hurt, only help. Also, if you thinlk about it the Native Americans used to just bury whole fish next to their maze plants, they made no sort of emulsion or prepare the fish in any manner, just buried it whole. I imagine the same could be said for a bananna or any other kind of vitamin rich vegetable for that matter. Although, a fresh compost of different plant material would probably be best, but awfully smelly for indoors.
I think I'd stick w/potasium ferts, There's no way to meassure how much K+ your plants are getting by useing fruit. Besides the smell you'd get once it started to rot (dry or powderd, it's gonna rot and attract bugs). Also, potasium pills are measured in Micrograms, though I'm not sure how this equates to how they're measured in liquid ferts.
What should I use that is high in potasium? I haven't been able to find any organics at the store that are.
Wow, reading about the Potassium Deficiency makes it sound like my plant might have a little bit of that. I'm going try the peuraid banana in water and add it in that way. Maybe I'll mush one up and put it in the soil too like what was suggested earlier.

EDIT: NDW4M hooked me up with this while we were chatting. If any one else is interested.
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