Gun Owners +/- Medical Patients

Curious what everyone thinks about the fact that medical marijuana patients have no second amendment.

I've always wanted my own gun for personal protection, however it seems I cannot get one due to this law...

I read about a case in Oregon in which the Supreme Court turned away a case about this issue, however my area is not as gun friendly as there.
I live in Washington state and haven't been able to find anything in the MM law that says I can't have guns. I live very remotely and firearms a must as we are not on the top of the food chain. I am wondering where to find the ruling so I may read it. Any idea's
I live in Washington state and haven't been able to find anything in the MM law that says I can't have guns. I live very remotely and firearms a must as we are not on the top of the food chain. I am wondering where to find the ruling so I may read it. Any idea's
Yep its legal here in Washington like it is in most states. Its just the feds you have to look out for. Won't matter which state you live in if the feds should happen to show up. But they generally leave growers below 100 plants alone and let the states deal with them. Unless you become to high profile. The feds love to make examples out of ordinary people.
Hello "mississippi" My opinion is that you may find info thru your states attorney generals office. usually there is a some sort search engine when looking for state government officials offices.Sometimes also depending on the state if it is a medical state they will be right out in the open when you find their web site. Google or bing your states laws regarding medical cannnabis and gun ownership.Maybe not sure
It is my opinion that you are less likely to be shot by a MM Patient than a guy at the local tavern on Saturday night or a road rager thats pissed off because you are driving to slow.

When your shorts are too tight nothing goes right...........................................
Let it all hang out and see who is really your friend. maybe you might make some new ones if your bugoonias r hangin out. just a thought! hey do guys get camel toes also? never thought about it till now.Thats why i wear overalls by the way.
Glad to spread some thc induced humor. I wonder if a cannabis based comedy club would ever take off. i would definately go and check that shit out. I will have to bing it and C. Hhhmmm wonder how to even begin to start to explore the combo of the 2 things.Beside thankN it up.
Oregon Supreme Court !!!! LOVE our Country !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Basically in Oregon, if you have an OMMP card and not otherwise banned from firearms your set to go... In fact you can apply for carried conceal permits,,, my only concern is it is the individual that is dangerous not the firearm, never heard about a firearm shooting anything without the HUMAN component. Guess if the ATF was in control we'd never become AMERICAN,,,(ATF would of raided George Washington,Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and threw them in jail remember our country was founded on Cannibis,Alchol and Slavery) still be hailing the Queen,,, probably be saluting the Nazi regime... ATF is an ILLEGAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY why does the Treasury Dept control any Law Enforcement Agency,, pretty sure if you check me on this really check, you will find that the truth is stranger then fiction... They were the most hated agency at GYNCO,GA FLETC (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center) when I was there in the 90's ...Yes , I was involved with being a civil servant armed and dangerous LOL
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