Hard facts about urine testing


Well-Known Member
So hi there people, I just thought I'd post some information that I learned from a close friend of mine, his job title is "head of clinical toxicology for X" I wont go into details as his tests are court-admissible he might get into some trouble sooo...

When it comes to hiding drugs the most common ones are not to hard. but the most important thing to remember is, they will not check to see if the urine is synthetic, they will not test to see what gender/age the person the sample came from was. they WILL lie about this though, show you some phony test about synthetic urine changing colour, this is just to scare you out of trying. one thing is though, they will first do a sample test, to ensure the sample is free of contaminants. you can use this to your advantage in buying yourself a little more time. as they will contact you to give a new sample. but if that's the case your better off with synthetic urine.


cannabis - there is no sure fire way to hide cannabis. eye drops would work but the time frame is unreliable and unsure if it would pass a sample check but you need to encapsulate the cannabis with a surfactant. but keep in mind as daily smokers, our body is much more adept at removing this substance from our system, this is one method of tolerance. this means the time frame of passing a screening is widely different in people. i had a friend crash his bike on his way home, and at the hospital that's a vehicular accident meaning they automatically without telling you draw blood and do a toxicology screening. he is a daily stoner like me, and said he had smoked another pipe just before hopping on his bike. the cops rang, they found amphetamines and alcohol in his system but no cannabis. a few hours after last smoking. moral of the story, try and insist on blood tests whenever you can, if you're rolling the dice this is the safest. there is also no scientific evidence to support the idea of enough cannabis staying in your fat cells to trigger a positive test or get you high. it's technically possible but your body would need to go into ketosis before you would even access those fat reserves. this is extremely rare unless you do it intentionally. and unless you go to the gym hungry it's unlikely to occur through exercise.
hair test incoming? shave all the hair off your body, no seriously. it's pretty suspicious though.
they will not check to see if urine is synthetic
They can indirectly
Synthetic urine has massibe amounts of sugar In it.
So much in fact that the last 2 times I failed the tester asked me if I was a diabetic..I said no. She said come to think of it rheres been alot of diabetics in here lately as.she raised her eyebrow.

When 75% of people tested walk in with synthetic urine then it looks like 3 out of 4 people tested are diabetics..
That's statistically impossible.
Hence the reason synthetic piss is a crapshoot now..

It worked for me the first 3 times over.ten years ago.. as things got more advanced it failed me the last 2 times I used it thats why I stopped and used strip natural cleanser cleanser has worked 8 out of 8 times for me.
They can indirectly
Synthetic urine has massibe amounts of sugar In it.
So much in fact that the last 2 times I failed the tester asked me if I was a diabetic..I said no. She said come to think of it rheres been alot of diabetics in here lately as.she raised her eyebrow.

When 75% of people tested walk in with synthetic urine then it looks like 3 out of 4 people tested are diabetics..
That's statistically impossible.
Hence the reason synthetic piss is a crapshoot now..

It worked for me the first 3 times over.ten years ago.. as things got more advanced it failed me the last 2 times I used it thats why I stopped and used strip natural cleanser cleanser has worked 8 out of 8 times for me.
synthetic urine only needs to contain: water, urea, creatine to a specific gravity of 1.03. anything else is wasted.
with this formulation, it won't fail any check from an EMIT screen or a GC MS, and as a lab worker, they are always told to do the minimum amount of tests required because they're a business - this means unless the EMIT fails they won't even bother running a mass spec screen. and this is for proper evidentiary tox screenings. secondly, the normal amount of glucose in the urine is up to 0.8 mmol/L so like, they might pick up glucose but unless they're testing the level of it specifically they won't know just how much of it there is, and is inconclusive with diabetes. you could just have kidney failure. lol
my friend has told me as well he's had a sample give a false positive so for shits and giggles, he stuck a Ph meter into it and he was like. well, when someone's urine is several Ph points out I know what's going on but I wasn't asked to do said test so I did nothing. which should tell you, most times they'll just stick with the EMIT results. unless it shows multiple things

oh almost forgot Quick Fix is the best synthetic urine on the market. it's completely fine. no sugars.

oh and saying flushes and such actually work is bogus, its about as affected as homeopathy, you know, a placebo, so 1 in 3 people it will work for but there is no science to back up any of the claims you can flush your system, it doesn't work like that. but hey, I seriously believe our beliefs collapse quantum wave functions so if you believe it works it probably does for you.
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