Heat, CO2, and Dirt... Oh My!


New Member
Hello everyone, just wanted to say i love this forum. Everyone is so helpful and awesome.

I have always wanted to try growing my own medicine and have even tried a couple times in the past after i skimmed through george cerv....(cant spell) "Grow Bible" those attempt look like a joke after i have spent my time creeping on here.

So let me explain my setup first. I got a crappy old dresser from a garage sell and i hollowed it out (3' high, 1' depth, 2' wide roughly), glued the drawers to the front and made the back open up. I lined the inside with the foil insulation you put on duct work... i now know the foil wasnt the best for reflection but the insulation helps with fan noise. I also have 2 cfls in there, positioned slightly above and to the side of my girl about 2-3" away. I put a passive intake with light trap but no exhaust... yet. I do have a small fan circulating air and blowing just to the side of my girl to make her sway a bit. The box stays about 90-95 degrees with 40-50 percent humidity. My girl is a seed i found in some good bud. She was popped in some dirt i found at wal-mart for young plants (cant remember the name now) and came up a couple days later, and is about 2 weeks out of the dirt now. I named her Chee Chee because my water pipe is named Goku!

After two weeks of just watering when the pot got dry, she is only maybe 2" tall with a 4 full leaf and some small ones sprouting out of those. This seemed kinda behind compared to some that i have seen on here and the leafs were a bit droopy. So i started reading all i could. I read that with my heat so high i need CO2 so i added a sugar/yeast CO2 generator yesterday morning. Well tonight she has on leaf half way pointed up and the rest are droopy like before, but there is some yellowing starting and the cotyledons (little round leafs at bottom) are really yellowing.

So my question is do you guys think the CO2 is having a negative effect? Is my dirt just not up to the task? Is the heat causing problems? Or a little of all of them?

Thanks for providing such an awesome place to "edumacate" myself on this beautiful plant, and for helping me in advance. Let me know if there is any questions.

One Love.
High and :420:

Temps are definitely too high. Try to drop it to 85 max. 75 would be better tho. Get a exhaust fan going or just crack the door open. Co2 should help so that shouldnt be a problem. Fix the heat issue 1st then see how she is doing.
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