Help, the army is calling


New Member
How do I pass a drug test for the army, i havn't smoked in almost a week iv drank 4 litters of cranberry and lots of smart water for the electrolytes. What do I do?
exercise and drink water, cranberry juice doesnt work at all. Drink plenty of water and exercise get in shape and only drink water, you want to pee the thc out of your system so drinking water is key.
i'd say smoke weed. fuuck the army bro. you don't want to be apart of that shit. risk of being killed. then what? so many of the homeless i have talked to were from the services too. what a great future.
Thanks for the imput guys and for this one remark::::::

cpt chronic
420 Member
i'd say smoke weed. fuuck the army bro. you don't want to be apart of that shit. risk of being killed. then what? so many of the homeless i have talked to were from the services too. what a great future.

im doing this so your kids and my kids and your kids kids have a future and the rights that we have now. maybe something bigger and better then smoking weed and sitting back with a dead end job
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