Help with PM


New Member
I switched to 12-12 light two weeks ago today. I have a carbon filter and inline fan hooked up. Temperature is around 74 F and the humidity is around 30%. The light I am using is a LED 432W. Two out of three of my plants have some PM on them and this is my first grow so I don't know what to do to control it. I read about baking soda and water but does that work? It's a small tent, measuring 39x39x79. Here is a photo of the Casey Jones with the PM.
Sorry bro pm sucks, looks pretty bad cut off what you can be gentle that shits airborne spray with a systemic fungicide like a fruit tree spray every three days and cross your fingers...?
Your temps and humidity are good. Try using lemon juice mixed with water 1 part lemon, 2 parts water. Mist them with this at least once a week. Once you get powder mold, it becomes systemic and your plant will always have it. But, you can keep it under control with the lemon juice.
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