

New Member
My first fem ive ever had is just about dead. the first problem i had was that i had curling at the tips and even in the leaves them selves. i much later found out that the plant was to close to the lamp. not knowing the problem i added a new feeding witch seemed to make it wilt even more .thinking it might be root bound so i transplanted it into a 3gal and replaced it under the light (after adding est= 3 oz's of water only.)(during transplanting i severed several roots but i paid extra attention not to harm the root ball.)well to make a long story short the next morning she is just about dead very wilted and sad looking.she even had alot of new growth AFTER the heat stress and chem burns now she has just given up and i need help. what can i do to save her? is it to late to try to throw her into flower?

I don't have a cam right now on a budget and if i did i would have less money for grow material.

please help, my fellow growers I emplore you all to come to arms and lets beat this problem.

time is of the essence come one come all.
If it deteriorated that fast (overnight) then it is probably beyond repair. You may have done more damage to the plant with the fertillizer than the lights. Try some Superthrive, it is great stuff. Other than that, I am unsure.
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