Hemp trials judged succesful



The first year of industrial hemp trials are showing signs of success - which could be bad news for dope smokers.

A parliamentary select committee has heard the crops have shown potential when they're grown properly, and there have been no security breaches.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry spokesman Tony Van der Lem says the plant's production could even hinder the growth of cannabis, which is its illegal hybrid.

He says there has to be some potential for birds to carry the hemp seed in their droppings.

Mr Van der Lem says that would cause concern for the illegal growers of cannabis as it could mix with their crops and pull down the level of potency.

Hemp when grown properly can not be smoked to get high because the psychoactive THC chemicals in cannabis are only present in very low levels in hemp.

Three of the trial crops were destroyed this year as their THC levels breached the official threshold level.

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