Hemp Won't Make Statewide Noxious Weed List


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Earlier this year, Brookings County officials asked the state Weed and Pest Control Commission to consider listing wild hemp as a noxious weed.

But Ron Moehring, state weed and pest supervisor, said it has virtually no chance of making the statewide list because it's an annual weed, meaning it completes its life cycle in one year.
Noxious weeds must be perennials, meaning their life cycle continues indefinitely, Moehring said.
"Wild hemp is ineligible," he said. "If you don't let it go to seed, you'll get rid of the plant."

Brookings County now wants wild hemp to be designated as a locally noxious weed, Moehring said. That list has 17 weeds, and any county can choose to commit their landowners to lawfully control any of such weeds for five years.

"Brookings has been spraying for wild hemp quite a few years and is losing the dollars it was receiving to do this," Moehring said. "Because this weed isn't on a noxious weed list, they can't require landowners to control it."

Wild hemp, commonly found in pastures and ditches, is worthless as a livestock feed but is good habitat and a food source for pheasants, rodents and other wildlife, he said. It's found across the eastern half of the nation.

Moehring said common ditchweed "is not nearly as potent as the stuff people get hauled in for."

He said wild hemp's only crime is looking nearly identical to its illegal cousin, marijuana. Hemp plants are simply remnants of a former time, Moehring said.

Hemp, often confused with cultivated marijuana, spreads quickly in wasteland areas.

"It's really healthy in old feedlots and fencelines - anywhere that grass has been peeled off," said Tom Schramm, Yankton County weed supervisor.

"But it's also really easy to get rid of: Just spray it with 2,4-D in July or cut the plant down before it goes to seed."

Newshawk: Freaktan (420times.com)
Source: Aberdeen News.com (South Dakota)
Copyright: 2005 The Associated Press/Yankton Press
Contact: letters@aberdeennews.com
Author: Staff - The Associated Press
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