How to pass drug test with 3 weeks notice


New Member
I was just accepted for a new job pending a drug test. My last usage was today but I only use a one hitter and take three to four hits off it usually in the evenings to help me relax. I have been doing that for a least the last year or so. A quarter bag usually lasts me a few months. Occasionally I smoke for recreational but only a joint. I'm an average weight 5'4 female that doesn't drink much water and lots of sweet tea. My test is January 13th. If I use a detox/cleansing now and refrain from usage what are my chances in passing the UA? I usually take a three droppers of Vitamin B6 daily but haven't in the last month. Do you think this will help if I start back up on that? Also every now and again I chug a bottle of those 5-hr energy shots. Will that affect the test?
Usually a moderate smoker like yourself won't be able to pass using dilution or a detox product. If you want to try and then test yourself at home before the real test its worth a try.
Nothing cleans your system of thc metabolites. They are the only drug that is not water soluble. Thc heads directly to your fat cells and stays there till you either burn them off or they die naturally in about a month depending on your metabolism rate.
A little late now but here's what you do if you want to try and get clean naturally.
Exercise and stay hydrated
Eat a high fiber diet with possibly adding some metamucil to help keep the bowels moving.
3 days before the test switch to a red meat high fat diet and quit exercising
Drink 36 ounces of gatorade the morning of the test
Pee 3 or 4 times before the test
When taking the test
Pee a little in the toilet first
Pee 2 ounces in the collection cup
Pee the rest in the toilet.

The reasons.
80% of your thc metabolites are removed through your stool. If the stool isn't evacuated the thc metabolites gets reabsorbed through your intestines and heads back to fat cells again. When you change to a red meat high fat diet it does 2 things. It raises your creatine levels to allow for more dilution so that you don't fail the test. The fat tells the body to start saving fat cells again for a few days so that the thc metabolites don't enter the kidneys and pass into the urine.

Midstream pee
The first and last of your pee is always the dirtiest. So use your midstream urine for the collection cup

I would pickup some synthetic urine and practice with it a little to keep the temp in range as a backup plan in case you can't pee clean naturally.
If you need to pass a hair drug screening don't worry YOU CAN PASS. Everyone saying that you can't pass have not done it themselves and are haters. I got an awesome internship in my field of study for $15.50/hr for 40hrs a week. You don't need to cut your hair or buy any $100 shampoo. I smoked everyday for a long time and stopped 2 weeks before the test and passed. So here is what you need to do:
1) Soak your hair in vinegar and let it sit for 30 min
2) Scrub your hair in pink astringent with 2% salycitic acid. Let sit for 30 min
3) Scrub your hair with liquid soap detergent and let it sit for 30 min
4) Mix baking soda with water to make a paste. Scrub in your hair and let sit for 30 min
5) Shower with T/sal shampoo or any detox shampoo.

I picked up all of these items at Walmart and Target. It is easier if you have someone help you. They will most likely take hair from the swirl in the back of your head and they don't pull from the root. They cut my hair 1 inch above the scalp and my hair is only 3 in long. Trust me this will work and you can get that job you've wanted. Hope this helps and best of luck!!!
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