• I would be remiss not to stop by and let you know that the review you wrote on the

    was incredibly well done. When they made you a reviewer they chose well, as some reviews seem to be more of a rewrite of a company's marketing info, where yours was engaging, interesting, and very informative.

    I don't have a need for a Volcano Hybrid at the moment but your review almost makes me wish I did! :bravo:
    Thanks lady, I found my 2012 journal. my user name back then was "doublejointed" but that's when I was growing under CFL bulbs. I'm pretty sure the grandaddy purp was after I switched over to 400 watt HPS lights forget what the 27K was . but thanks it was fun looking what I could do with the CFL's
    How are you Lady Cannafan?
    Hello my Lady, I was advised to ask LKBudMan about this but was unable to message him- perhaps you could forward, thanks, Nick

    Hey now Mr. BudMan!, Hope you're having a good day.

    I got an entry level tent system from Vivo, and although I don't know what I am doing, I have 2 pretty OG Godfather girls with lots of small greenish white flowers on 50 50.

    Thing about it is, my fan light doesn't come on. Could I have the wires in wrong place? not that many options. Also, the middle button control runs my exhaust fan, although the book shows the bottom button should do it.

    Thanks for any advice, Nick
    WOW ! the video's were not ten best need to watch a few more times - confused - how many cc per span bag
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    Lady Cannafan
    Lady Cannafan
    If you haven't received an answer on this yet, I found the info on Midwest Grow Kits site. You are supposed to use about 5 cc per bag. Move the needle around a little when you inject to get those spores into different areas. I used around 3-4 CC's on mine before I finally found that they had that on their site. Hope this helps!
    Hi Cannafan,

    Iwas wondering... since my wife and i want to build some fabric pots, can we use regular felt instead of the Eco Felt? The Eco will be hard for us to get ahold of quickly and i need them rather soon. Since we're in Edmonton today we thought we could get regular felt at Fabricland while we're here.

    Any thoughts?
    what are your intended use
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