HPS Bulb Testing Sponsored by PerfectGardens.com

Hey All,

Been awhile since I have posted anything but PerfectGarden and JJ Bones asked if I would help them with some light testing and I said I'd be HAPPY to! We are comparing 4 bulbs, one against each other. The 4 bulbs in question are as follows

1. Sunmaster 1000 watt HPS boasting 150,000 lumens
2. PlantMax 1000 watt HPS and oddly enough they don't say much of anything on their box
3. Interlux 1000 watt HPS 145,000 lumens
4. JD Lighting 1000 watt HPS featuring 140,000 lumens.

First thing I will do is add some pictures of each box and bulb. then I will show you what the bulbs look like installed.
When I report info I will always give room temps and humidity levels as well. I will take temperatures at 3 points. One the hood, one the bulb and the other will be the glass. If you have anything else you'd like information on or see tested please let me know!
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