Hydroponic root washing


New Member
I've heard some on this procedure you are supposed to do during hydroponic growing. Washing the roots for nutrients or something, anyone know more?
SmokeyMacPot said:
yeah i have heard of people doing it.. you dont have to.. i don't.
Well...you're right about not having to flush but :hmmmm: .....it does make your herb taste better :icon_roll ....dry better , :smokin: and cure better ...the object is to get the chemicals out of your bud .....I think they say about 1 and a half to 2 weeks before harvest :hmmmm: flush ( with straight water ) your system ..... :hmmmm: basically just feed with water
i didnt know that he was talking about flushing. i thought he was talking about "root washing." like lifting it up and rinsing the roots. which i have heared of people doing.
well, what is flushing? I just heard of people washing down roots in some way or another.
flushing is in the last week or 2. you just water with pure water with no nutrients. this will "flush out" the nutrients in the plant. flushing makes the weed taste better and smoke smoother.
your absolutely right you just got monitor your ph levels, no nutrients like Smokey said and this done for most of or all of the last week. Peace!
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