I don't Know?


New Member
Got the 430 sonagrow and my babies got big, went to 12/12 a few days ago. Been reading how to tell sex but either they aren't showing or I can't see it, anyone? I am attempting to put the pics on, hope they are ok.
ok, this is the best I can do so far.





Well, we'd need shots of the nodes themselves. It's hard to tell from afar when they are first showing signs. There will be a hair in between the nodes, with the newer leaves. Males start to bulge and it looks like a ballsack. Make sure to check every branch, they may first show on a little branch first, not always the biggest.

Typically if you haven't seen a male within 2 weeks, it's a good sign - you should have some slow-showing females.
Okay, I think I have this figured out; since I've only seen pictures, I'll ask the experts. I think 1-5 are male{damn} and 6 and 7 are female{yay}. Am I right?







thanks for any help!
in my oppion get rid of 2-3-4-5 they are all males number 6 looks like a female but get rid of 2-3-4-5 asap pefore they pop and polenate the female... hope this helps..
get rid of #7 too that is a male.. #1 and #6 are female....
I can say with 100% cetainty that #1 and #6 are your females. Pull the rest, especially #2 and #5 which are very mature and will disperse pollen any day. #4 is too far for me to tell for sure but it looks male as well.

All the plants look healthy, good work for your first time.
Thanks everybody! I'm off to the clone page. Is there anything I can do with the males like cannibutter from the leaves or anything?
Thanks again!
Stonehenge said:
Thanks everybody! I'm off to the clone page. Is there anything I can do with the males like cannibutter from the leaves or anything?
Thanks again!

The males will have THC, if you'd like to move them into another room and keep growing, but a considerably less amount.
Stonehenge, glad I read this before seeking similar help. I have two plants that will complete their first week of the flowering cycle (13/11) tomorrow. One (Esperanza) plant began throwing off pistols the second day, while the other plant (Maria) began putting out small buds exactly like the other plant (thin growth clusters) with the exception of pistols. I've been all over both plants like Sherlock Holmes with a magnifying glass, consentrating naturally on the non pistol plant. After viewing your pictures (thank you), I don't see anything resembling the balls, or pods so far. Couple that with what Urdedpal stated, I'll just have to think good thoughts for two more weeks, and see what happens.

Many thanks to everyone on this site, your photos, and contributions have been invaluable.

Well, I've got a situation; I moved all but 1,6 and 7{7started putting out the little white hairs} and today, whille I was at work #1 blew a load. Now 1 and a few of the others look like males but some have also started with the white hairs. Could they be hermie? Is it safe to assume I will have seeds now? 6 & 7 are looking like the girls I see in pics so I think they are ok aside from their recent assault.
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