I need an opinion on LED lights?


New Member
I'm starting a personal grow of 3-4 plants and wasn't sure what wattage of LED lights to use for the number of plants I'm going to have. The grow is located in a large closet, and is set up as a hydroponic drip irrigation system.

This is what I've been looking at, but I'm completely new to LED lights so let me know if I'm way off course.

I need a second opinion because of the initial cost of using LED obviously.
Hello Cheeced710.... if you are considering the PAR-FORCE 250 it works perfectly for 2 x 4 grow tent which lights up 3-4 nice size plants with ease. I would be happy to answer any questions you have regarding our technology.

Instant message me direct and we can talk more and I can hook you up with a 420 coupon special price if you decide to try our 250.

Here is an image of 2 x 4 tent grow using the PAR-FORCE 250 to give you a visual.

All the best and Happy Growing. Here in Oregon the countdown is on... 8 days and we can all grow 4 plants :)

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