If male how do you turn it back to female?


New Member
If i have a male that is 8 days in to flower and just showed signs off sex how do i change it back to female?
I have wread or herd you can take the seeds out?
if so how long does it take to grow the seeds?
and how hard to get them out?
also is it easy to see them or do you have to squeeze the flower to tell there inside?
There are a few contrivercial ways to make a female plant grow male parts, but I've never read or heard of anyone changing a male plant into a female. You can't change the genitics of a plant.
I'm not sure what you mean by "taking the seeds out". Out of what? A live polinated female plant? If your male is only 8 days old, and you don't want seeds in your bud, take it out of your grow room now. Before the male flowers burst open and polinate your female plants.
No offence, but it seems you need to to a bit more reading on growing and the life cycle of MJ.
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