IL: Medical Marijuana Industry Hits Road Block

Robert Celt

New Member
Just last week, medical marijuana advocates had a sense of hope pleading with Governor Bruce Rauner.

"We're not asking the governor to take ownership of this program. We realized it pre-dates him, but just don't strangle it. Let it grow," Revolution Enterprises CEO & Founder Tim McGraw said.

But this week, the mood shifted as Rauner rejects conditions like PTSD, autism and chronic pain from qualifying for medical marijuana.

"I'm just devastated for patients in this state," eCS Therapy Center CEO Regina Nelson said.

There are about 4,000 approved cannabis patients in the state right now, but those in the industry say that's not enough.

"We have many appointments with people that don't qualify for the program, and I leave here every day kind of saddened by that," Nelson said.

Low patient numbers is also bad for business.

"I've spoken with many dispensary owners across the state and some of them are seeing two or three people a day. Well, that doesn't keep your doors open," she said.

And she said she'll keep pushing until everyone they say needs cannabis has access to cannabis. "There's no good reason these conditions were denied by the governor other than just strictly political reasons."

We reached out to the public health department who says it would be premature to add conditions now.

"The state has not had the opportunity to evaluate the benefits and costs of the pilot program or determine areas for improvement or even whether to extend the program beyond its pilot period."


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: IL: Medical Marijuana Industry Hits Road Block
Author: Hannah Hilyard
Contact: CIProud
Photo Credit: Mike Whiter
Website: CIProud
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