

New Member
Just say after an interview I get asked to do a drug test. What if I state that I use marijuana for medicinal use for my intense hyperhydrosis. Also that I would never use it during work. If an employer can't understand this then the world is truly fucked. There is no 'legal' medicine that helps and surgery is way to expensive for me.
Its still a gray area. I think it probably diminshes your chance for the job. Thats why a lot of us sub with synthetic urine. Its really none of the employers business what you do in the comfort of your own home.
even if the state allows medical marijuana it is still up to the employer if he wants to hire you or not. my brother has had problems with this.
I agree with the other comments you've gotten but also would add...

See if you can get a peek at the employee handbook and find out what their policy is in this area. It may be spelled out, it may not. Can't hurt to check.

I'd suggest you don't bring it up, still a lot of stigma in corporateville and though you might hit a lucky pocket - odds are not in your favor in my personal opinion
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